City of Albuquerque Finance & Government Operations Committee met Feb. 13

City of Albuquerque Finance & Government Operations Committee met Feb. 13.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Present 5 - Louie Sanchez, Brook Bassan, Pat Davis, Tammy Fiebelkorn, and Klarissa Peña

a. EC-23-223 Approving the Downtowner Development & Disposition Agreement for housing projects in the Downtown and Railroad Metropolitan Redevelopment Areas

A motion was made by Councilor Sanchez that this matter be Sent to Council with a recommendation of Be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

b. O-22-56 C/S(2) Amending The Accountability In Government Ordinance, Chapter 2, Article 10 Of The Revised Ordinances Of Albuquerque (Bassan by request)

A motion was made by Councilor Bassan that this matter be Substituted. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Bassan that this matter be Amended.

Councilor Bassan moved Amendment No. 1. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Davis that this matter be Postponed as Substituted, as Amended to March 13, 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

c. O-22-55 C/S(2) Amending The City Inspector General Ordinance, Chapter Two, Article Seventeen Of The Revised Ordinances Of Albuquerque (Bassan by request)

A motion was made by Councilor Davis that this matter be Postponed to March 13, 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

d. O-22-59 Adopting A New Article In Chapter 13 Of The Revised Ordinances Of Albuquerque 1994, “Business And Occupations,” To Be Known As The “Residential Rental Permit Ordinance,” Establishing A Permitting Requirement And Permitting Fee (Fiebelkorn)

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Postponed to April 10, 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

e. O-22-60 C/S Adopting A New Article In Chapter 11 Of The Revised Ordinances Of Albuquerque 1994 To Be Known As The “Residential Tenant Protection Ordinance” (Fiebelkorn)

A motion was made by Councilor Fiebelkorn that this matter be Substituted.

The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Peña that this matter be Postponed as Substituted to April 10, 2023. The motion failed by the following vote:

For: 2 - Sanchez, and Peña

Against: 3 - Bassan, Davis, and Fiebelkorn

A motion was made by Councilor Peña that this matter be Sent to Council Without Recommendation as Substituted. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

f. O-22-65 Amending Chapter 5, Article 5, Of The Revised Ordinances Of Albuquerque, The “Public Purchases Ordinance” Relating To Council Approval Requirements And Procurement Thresholds Of The Code (Bassan by request)

A motion was made by Councilor Bassan that this matter be Amended. Councilor Bassan moved Amendment No. 1. The motion failed by the following vote:

For: 2 - Sanchez, and Bassan

Against: 3 - Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Bassan that this matter be Postponed to March 13, 2023. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

g. R-22-93 Approving And Authorizing The Filing Of A Grant Application For Rapid Transit Operating Costs With The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Of The U.S. Department Of Transportation And Providing For An Action Summary Committee Appropriation To The Transit Department (Benton)

A motion was made by Councilor Sanchez that this matter be Sent to Council with a recommendation of Do Pass. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña

A motion was made by Councilor Davis that this matter be Sent to Council for Immediate Action. The motion carried by the following vote:

For: 5 - Sanchez, Bassan, Davis, Fiebelkorn, and Peña