City of Santa Fe Governing Body met Aug. 2


City of Santa Fe Governing Body met Aug. 2.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

A special meeting of the Governing Body of the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico, was called to order by Mayor Alan Webber at approximately 4:35 p.m., at the Council Chambers at City Hall, 200 Lincoln Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico as a hybrid meeting.


Councilor Lindell led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Councilor Cassutt led the Salute to the New Mexico Flag.


Councilor Romero-Wirth gave the Invocation.

The Governing Body observed a moment of silence for those who need healing, and those who are mourning the loss of a loved one.


Roll call indicated the presence of a quorum remotely and in-person, as follows:

Members Present

Mayor Alan Webber

Councilor Jamie Cassutt

Councilor Amanda Chavez

Councilor Lee Garcia

Councilor Signe Lindell

Councilor Christopher M. Rivera

Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth

Councilor Renee D. Villarreal

Members Excused

Councilor Michael Garcia

Other Participants Attending

Erin McSherry, City Attorney

Kristine Mihelcic, City Clerk

John Blair, City Manager

6. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Wirth, to approve the agenda as presented.

MOTION: Councilor Chavez moved, seconded by Councilor Romero

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following roll call vote:

For: Mayor Webber, Councilor Cassutt, Councilor Chavez, Councilor L. Garcia, Councilor Lindell, Councilor Rivera, Councilor Romero Wirth, and Councilor Villarreal.

Against: None.


a. Rescind Approval of A Resolution 2022-37, Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During the Annual Burning of Zozobra Community Event Produced by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization, at Fort Marcy, During the Friday of Labor Day for the Years 2022-2025, Pursuant to SFCC 1987 Subsection 23-6.2. (Kristine Mihelcic, City Clerk:, 505-955-6327)

Ms. Mihelcic read the caption for rescinding this resolution.

MOTION: Councilor Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor Cassutt, to approve the rescinding of Resolution 2022-37 as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following roll call vote:

For: Councilor Cassutt, Councilor Chavez, Councilor L. Garcia, Councilor Lindell, Councilor Rivera, Councilor Romero-Wirth, Councilor Villarreal, and Mayor Webber.

Against: None.

b. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 2022-39. (Councilor Lindell, Mayor Webber, Councilor Villarreal, Councilor L. Garcia, Councilor M. Garcia, Councilor Chavez)

A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During the Annual Burning of Zozobra Community Event Produced by the Kiwanis Club of Santa Fe, Inc., a Non-Profit Organization at Fort Marcy, During the Friday of Labor Day for the Years 2022-2025, Pursuant to SFCC 1987 Subsection 23-6.2. (Kristine Mihelcic, City Clerk:, 505-955-6327)

a. Consideration of an Amendment to Substitute the Location of Authorized Sale and Consumption from “Fort Marcy Ball Park” to “Magers Field”

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 07/13/2022

Finance Committee: 07/18/2022

Quality of Life Committee: 07/20/2022

Governing Body: 07/27/2022

Governing Body: 08/02/2022

Ms. Bustos-Mihelcic read the caption for this Resolution and the subsection for it.

MOTION: Councilor Romero-Wirth moved, seconded by Councilor Cassutt, to approve the Resolution 2022- as presented.

Discussion on the Motion:

Ms. McSherry recommended the amendment be considered.

MOTION: Councilor Lindell moved, seconded by Councilor Cassutt, to approve the amendment to substitute the location for consumption from “Fort Marcy Ball Park” to “Mager’s Field.”

VOTE: The amendment was approved on the following roll call vote:

For: Mayor Webber, Councilor Cassutt, Councilor Chavez, Councilor L. Garcia, Councilor Lindell, Councilor Rivera, Councilor Romero Wirth, and Councilor Villarreal.

Against: None.

VOTE: The motion, as amended was approved on the following roll call vote:

For: Mayor Webber, Councilor Cassutt, Councilor Chavez, Councilor L. Garcia, Councilor Lindell, Councilor Rivera, Councilor Romero-Wirth, and Councilor Villarreal

Against: None.


Having completed the agenda and with no further business to come before the Governing Body, the meeting was adjourned at 4:41 p.m.


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