Nathaniel Krantz, who works for the city of Albuquerque, is pursuing his passion of playing country music. | Nathaniel Krantz Music/Facebook

Albuquerque city worker doubles as country musician, 'just living out his dream'


An Albuquerque man who works for the Solid Waste Management Department is also focusing on his passion: playing country music.

Nathaniel Krantz works as a commercial collection operator for the city, according to KOAT. He said he often works long hours, up to 14 hours per day and six to seven days a week, due to the city's needs. 

He is one of the dedicated employees committed to making the city a more beautiful place to live, work, and play by providing median maintenance, daily graffiti removal, and trash and recycling pick-up and disposal.

“I would not want to work anywhere else,” Krantz said. 

Along with his full-time job, he has a side gig that has his schedule filling up; his music career is gaining steam as well. He started playing guitar at a young age and music has grown into something more than just a hobby.

"I posted a video of me playing a George Strait song on Facebook, and it went viral," he said. "Ever since then, my life has never been the same."

Krantz told KOAT that he is performing an average of 17 shows per month. He said he wants to call playing music a part-time job, but it is really his passion. While it was a hobby for a long time, it has become something more.

"Just the kid from the South Valley – high school dropout, just living out his dream," he said. "Blue-collar working guy just trying to make it."

Next up for Krantz is something special, KOAT reported. He will perform at Balloon Fiesta Park on July 4 for the Freedom Fourth event. He will open for a band he loves, Shenandoah.


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