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It was the third round of “imminent threat funding” from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. | facebook.com/HUD

Federal government allocates $83 million in latest round of 'historic levels' of tribal housing funding

The federal government on Jan. 19 announced the disbursement of $83 million in tribal housing grants.

An Associated Press report said the latest round of American Rescue Plan Act-based funding allocations will benefit 74 tribes nationwide, going toward finishing incomplete projects as well as commencing new ones.

It was the third round of “imminent threat funding” from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, according to AP.

“This is thankfully, historic levels of funding in this particular program, and I know we’re grateful for it, and I know the tribal communities are as well,” HUD Deputy Secretary Adrianne Todman told the outlet. “This is a fair amount of money.”

Todman added that the remaining $71 million will be distributed at a later date.

According to New Mexico’s Indian Affairs Department, the state is home to 23 tribes, or approximately 228,400 Native American citizens.

Compromising about 10% of New Mexico’s total population, the tribes received funds from each round of funding in order to improve sanitation, housing, internet services, health care, and to assist members in dire need, the AP reported.

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