New Mexico Sun

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Payments will be sent to tribal members living on or off the reservation who had applied for relief funds under a previous round of hardship assistance payments. |

'People should not suffer another day': Navajo council to send $2,000 checks to qualified tribal members


The Navajo Nation tribal council voted to send $2,000 to qualified tribal members and $600 for each child using some of the $2.1 billion in funds received from Pres. Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act.

This comes as KRQE reports the council’s 18-2 vote to send the checks to approximately 350,000 tribal members was approved last week by Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

“It has been over eight months since Pres. Joe Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act and our Navajo people should not suffer another day without knowing how their government will assist them as they suffer from grief, mental health and financial hardship,” Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty told the station.

Payments will be sent to tribal members living on or off the reservation who had applied for relief funds under a previous round of hardship assistance payments. 

In addition to the large checks, the report states Nez approved $300 checks to be sent to members ages 60 and older who previously applied for hardship assistance. This comes as a part of the $16 million in relief funding approved by former president Donald Trump.


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