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Ski Santa Fe was readying the slopes on Nov. 24. | facebook.com/SkiSantaFe

Snow bunnies, sunset paintings and a Solstice concert: Santa Fe Happenings November 25-29


Thursday, Nov. 25

Ski Santa Fe 2021/2022 Season

The season opens up Thanksgiving Day, snow permitting. For prices, dates and more visit our website.

WHEN: Office hours of operation 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 26

How to Paint a Sunset

Do you love to paint? Join Artist Robbi Firestone on this creative journey in this 2 hour LIVE VIP class. Any skill level may attend. $325 for 1-3 People and $75 for each added painter. To book a session visit our website.

WHERE: 600 Agua Fria Street Santa Fe, NM 87501

Saturday, Nov. 27

Winter Solstice Concert Presented By: The New Mexico Performing Arts Society

Come and listen to many wonderful performances by The New Mexico Bach Society Chorale and Players. This will be a musical performance to remember. Tickets range from $20-$60. Tickets and more info can be found online.

WHERE: Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel, 50 Mount Carmel Road in Santa Fe

WHEN: 8 p.m.

Sunday, Nov. 28

Santa Fe Farmers' Market

Come visit one of the largest, oldest and most successful growers’ markets in the country that serves more than 150 farmers and producers in the area. Indoor and outdoor mask required. For more info visit our website.

WHERE: Santa Fe Farmer's Marke1607 Paseo de Peralta, Suite A Santa Fe NM 87501

WHEN: 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Monday, Nov. 29

Multiple Visions: A Common Bond

Presented By: Museum of International  Folk Art, this text free gallery represents more than 100 countries on  six continents. Multi-media tour available on an iPod Touch at the front  desk or pick up a Gallery Guide. For more info visit the website.

WHERE: Museum of International Folk Art 706 Camino Lejo, on Museum Hill Santa Fe, NM 87505    

WHEN: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


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