City of Santa Fe Planning Commission will meet Nov. 4.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR VIRTUAL ATTENDANCE AND PUBLIC COMMENT: In response to the State’s declaration of a Public Health Emergency, the Mayor’s Proclamation of Emergency, the ban on public gatherings of more than five (5) people, and the need to incorporate technology and practices to re-institute in-person meeting consistent with the limitations established by the Order, the Planning Commission meeting will be conducted virtually using Zoom.
Viewing: Members of the public may stream the meeting live on the City of Santa Fe’s YouTube channel at The YouTube live stream can be accessed at this address from most smartphones, tablets, or computers.
Attending on Zoom: Members of the public may attend the Zoom meeting on a computer, mobile device, or phone. The video conference link and teleconference number will be posted at at least seventy-two (72) hours before the meeting.. The direct Zoom link is: and use password: 951196
Attending Zoom by Phone: Members of the public can attend the Zoom meeting by phone by dialing:
US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592
Webinar ID: 826 9878 5348
Public Comment:
• By video: A person attending the Zoom meeting by video conference (using a computer, mobile device, or smart phone) may provide public comment during the meeting. Attendees should use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized by the chair to speak at the appropriate time.
• By phone: A person attending the Zoom meeting by phone may provide public comment during the meeting. Phone attendees should press *9 to use the “Raise Hand” function to be recognized at the appropriate time.
• In writing: A person may submit written public comments by 5pm the Monday prior to the meeting via the virtual comment “button” at
1. October 21, 2021
1. Case #2021-4240. Tierra Contenta Tract 50A Arroyo Oeste Phase 2 Preliminary Subdivision. Oralynn Guerrerortiz of Design Enginuity, LLC, Agent, representing The Housing Trust, Owner, requests approval of a Preliminary Subdivision Plat for 20 single-family lots. The applicant also requests an innovative road design to allow the removal of the planting strip between defined parking spots and the back of curb. The property is zoned PRC (Planned Residential Community), is Tract 50A within Tierra Contenta Phase 2C, and is approximately 3.21 acres. (Donna Wynant, Case Manager,, 955-6325).
2. Case #2021-4241. Tierra Contenta Tract 50A Arroyo Oeste Phase 2 Lot Line Adjustment. Oralynn Guerrerortiz of Design Enginuity, LLC, Agent, representing The Housing Trust, Owner, requests approval of a lot line adjustment to modify tract boundaries to the Arroyo Oeste Phase 2 Preliminary Subdivision Plat to incorporate some steep slopes into the open space tract, and to create deeper lots to accommodate planned house designs. The property is zoned PRC (Planned Residential Community), is Tract 50A within Tierra Contenta Phase 2C, and is approximately 3.21 acres. (Donna Wynant, Case Manager,, 955-6325).
3. Case #2021-3976. 123 and 135 Grant Avenue Development Plan. Lorn Tryk Architects, Agent, for 123-135 Grant LLC (on behalf of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum), Owner, request development plan approval to construct a 54,100 square foot structure for use as a museum. The properties are located at 123 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 1.2174 acres) and 135 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 0.7670 acres). The project site is zoned BCDMAR (Business Capitol District - Marcy Subdistrict) and within the Historic Downtown Archeological District and Downtown and East Side Historic District. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, 505-955-6587). (POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER 2, 2021)
4. Case #2021-3977. 123 and 135 Grant Avenue Variance to Subsection 14-8.6(C)(2)(b). Lorn Tryk Architects, Agent, for 123-135 Grant LLC (on behalf of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum), Owner, request variance to Subsection 14-8.6(C)(2)(b) to allow off site parking greater than 600 feet from the closest property line. The properties are located at 123 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 1.2174 acres) and 135 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 0.7670 acres). The project site is zoned BCDMAR (Business Capitol District - Marcy Subdistrict) and within the Historic Downtown Archeological District and Downtown and East Side Historic District. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager,,505-955-6587).(POSTPONED FROM SEPTEMBER 2, 2021)
5. Case #2021-3978. 123 and 135 Grant Avenue Variance to Exhibit A - Table 14-8.6-1. Lorn Tryk Architects, Agent, for 123-135 Grant LLC (on behalf of the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum), Owner, request variance to Table 14-8.6-1 “Parking and Loading Requirements” to allow 93 parking spaces where 119 parking spaces are required. The properties are located at 123 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 1.2174 acres) and 135 Grant Avenue (consisting of approximately 0.7670 acres). The project site is zoned BCDMAR (Business Capitol District - Marcy Subdistrict) and within the Historic Downtown Archeological District and Downtown and East Side Historic District. (Dan Esquibel, Case Manager, 505-955-6587). (POSTPONED FROM SEPTEMBER 2, 2021)
6. Case #2021-4242. 220 Otero Street Final Development Plan. Architectural Alliance, Inc., Agent, for Otero Partners, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a final development plan for an addition and remodel for a proposed hotel at 220 Otero Street comprising 38,567 square feet. The property is zoned BCDMAR (Business-Capitol District, Marcy Sub-District) and BCD EAS (Business-Capitol District, East Marcy/East Palace Sub District), is within the Downtown and Eastside Historic District, and is approximately 1.11 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).
7. Case #2021-4243. 220 Otero Street Open Space Variance. Architectural Alliance, Inc., Agent, for Otero Partners, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a variance to the Business-Capitol District, East Marcy/East Palace Sub District front yard open space requirement in Table 14-7.4. The property is zoned BCDMAR (Business-Capitol District, Marcy Sub-District) and BCD EAS (Business-Capitol District, East Marcy/East Palace Sub-District), is within the Downtown and Eastside Historic District, and is approximately 1.11 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).
8. Case #2021-4244. 2190 West Alameda Street Los Canales Rezoning. JenkinsGavin, Inc., Agent, for Homewise, Owner, requests approval of a rezoning from R-5 (Residential – five dwelling units per acre) to R-7 (Residential – seven dwelling units per acre) for a property located at 2190 West Alameda Street. The property is located within the West Santa Fe River Corridor Overlay District, and is approximately 2.01 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).
9. Case #2021-4245. 2190 West Alameda Street Los Canales Final Development Plan. JenkinsGavin, Inc., Agent, for Homewise, Owner, requests approval of a final development plan for fourteen residential units for a property located at 2190 West Alameda Street. The property is located within the West Santa Fe River Corridor Overlay District, and is approximately 2.01 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).
10. Case #2021-4246. Plaza del Monte Preliminary Development Plan. JenkinsGavin, Inc., Agent, for Plaza del Monte, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a preliminary development plan to establish development standards for 30 residential lots located at Camino Santiago and Bishop’s Lodge Road. The property is zoned R-29 (Residential – twenty-nine dwelling units per acre), is within the Downtown and Eastside Historic District, and is approximately 6.62 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).
11. Case #2021-4247. Plaza del Monte Preliminary Subdivision. JenkinsGavin, Inc., Agent, for Plaza del Monte, LLC, Owner, requests approval of a preliminary subdivision plat for 30 residential lots located at Camino Santiago and Bishop’s Lodge Road. The property is zoned R-29 (Residential – twenty-nine dwelling units per acre), is within the Downtown and Eastside Historic District, and is approximately 6.62 acres. (Lee Logston, Case Manager,, 955-6136).