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“The beautiful St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Las Cruces, N.M., is the perfect location for this film," "Saving Faith" director Randy Messersmith said. | facebook.com/standrewslascruces/

'Saving Faith' film production slated for Las Cruces, 'beautiful' St. Andrews Episcopal Church


The New Mexico Film Office announced today that the short film, Saving Faith, produced by Luckystory Productions LLC and Las Cruces-based PsychDesert Productions LLC, is currently in production in Las Cruces.

“The beautiful St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Las Cruces, N.M., is the perfect location for this film, which takes place entirely within its interior. The people of St. Andrews have been nothing but warm, welcoming, and adaptable. There is a high level of above- and below-the-line talent in the Las Cruces area that will be utilized in this project,” Randy Messersmith, director of the film, said in a press release, according to NM Film.

This film is being directed by first-timer Randy Messersmith and Jordan P. Jordan ("La Cita," "The Clapper," "Favor"). 

The film employs six New Mexico crew members and six New Mexico principal actors, including Messersmith ("Intersect," "Paul’s Promise," "Missing the Banks") and Zoë Yeoman ("Raising Buchanan," "Holiday in Santa Fe," "Indemnity"), Ramona King ("Power in the Family," "All the World is Sleeping," "Interrogation"), Ed Benson, Jessica Jimenez, and Nick Check.

The film will tell the story of a Wall Street stockbroker and atheist who learns that he killed a person while driving under the influence of alcohol, causing him to face questions about existence and the possibility of a higher power. 


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