New Mexico Sun

City of Santa Fe Historic Districts Review Board met Sept. 28


City of Santa Fe Historic Districts Review Board met Sept. 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

A. Roll Call

B. Approval of Agenda

C. Approval of Minutes:

1. September 14, 2021

D. Approval of Findings of Fact And Conclusions of Law

1. 2021-004118-HDRB. 638 E. Palace Ave. (Primary Elevations)

2. 2021-004120-HDRB. 555 Agua Fria St.

3. 2021-004122-HDRB. 128 Grant Ave.

4. 2021-004124-HDRB. 854 Camino Ranchitos.

5. 2021-004123-HDRB. 123 Grant Ave.

E. Matters From The Public

F. Staff Communications

G. Old Business

H. New Business

1. 2021-004162-HDRB. 344 Camino Cerrito. Downtown and Eastside Historic District. Paul and Mariana Padilla, owners and agents, propose to construct a 2000 sq.ft. single-family residential structure on a vacant lot. (Daniel Schwab,

2. 2021-004181-HDRB. 118 & 120 W. Berger St. Don Gaspar Area Historic District. Tom Lechner, agent for John and Mary Pound, requests historic status review and primary facade(s) designation as applicable for a noncontributing building. (Angela Schackel Bordegaray,

3. 2021-004178-HDRB. 213 Delgado Street. Trey Jordan, applicant for owner Jerry Meyer, proposes to construct two buildings, 2,530 sq. ft. and 280 sq. ft. to a height of 13’-6" where the maximum allowable height is 13’-10”. (Angela Schackel Bordegaray)

4. 2021-004175-HDRB. 641 #1 W San Francisco St. Westside-Guadalupe Historic District. Ken Dimon, owner, requests to add a 182 sq. ft. portal to a non-contributing building. (Angela Schackel Bordegaray)

5. 2021-004177-HDRB. 642 Camino de la Luz. Downtown and Eastside Historic District. Victor Johnson, agent for Betinna Milligan, proposes to add a 410 sq. ft. portal to a non-contributing building. (Angela Schackel Bordegaray)

6. 2021-04179-HDRB. 119 Kearny Street. Downtown and Eastside Historic District. Hoopes Architects, agent for owners C. David Snead and Charles P. Butler, proposes to add 2,131 sq. ft. to a contributing building, construct new yard wall and gate, add courtyard walls, repair historic window, and replace entry steps. The applicant requests an exception to Section 14-5.2(D)(2)(d), to exceed 50% of the historic footprint. (Angela Schackel Bordegaray)

I. Discussion Items

J. Matters from The Board

K. Next Meeting: Tuesday, October 12, 2021

L. Adjourn


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