Cleveland High School first noticed the trend had hit there the week of Sept. 6. | Pixabay

Officials claim 'Devious Licks' TikTok challenge has Rio Rancho students stealing from schools


Students in Rio Rancho Public Schools are taking part in a new TikTok trend that is making it way across the country. 

The TikTok challenge is called "Devious Licks" and has students recording themselves stealing school equipment, according to KRQE

"Let’s get this stopped and get back to being happy that we’re back at school and proud of our building," Scott Affentranger, the principal at Cleveland High School, said. "The majority of the things we’ve seen happen in the restroom facilities: removal of the paper towel holders, removal of the soap dispensers, in some cases trying to manipulate the actual faucets themselves."

Affentranger said that Cleveland High School first noticed the trend had hit there the week of Sept. 6, according to KRQE News. Rio Rancho officials are reviewing videos posted by students that they believe attend other Rio Ranchovschools, according to KQRE News. 

According to Mashable, the bigger things that are stolen, the more popular you'll be, therefore students are upping the challenges and nationally are stealing everything from projectors to toilet paper roll shields to plastic spoons.

And it's getting more and more popular. 

The tag #deviouslick had more than 175.2 million views as of Sept. 13, Mashable reported. 


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