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"New Mexicans haven't even had the chance to work under MLG!" Jay C Block, an Albuquerque mayoral candidate, said in a Twitter post. | Adobe Stock

Study ranks New Mexico 'least hard-working state' in the country


A new study by WalletHub placed New Mexico last in the most hard-working states in the nation. 

The study found that New Mexico had one of the lowest employment rates and one of the highest idle youth rates. 

"Even when given the chance to not work as hard, many Americans won't," the study said on its website. "Hard work is key to success, and the people of some states understand that better than others."

Americans put in an average of 1,767 hours per year as of 2021, according to the World Economic Forum as noted in the study. Compared to other countries, that’s 435 hours per year more than Germans work, but 357 fewer than Mexicans do, according to WalletHub. 

"New Mexicans haven't even had the chance to work under MLG!" Jay C Block, an Albuquerque mayoral candidate, said in a Twitter post

Factors considered in the study included average workweek hours, the vacation time left unused and average commute time, according to the study. 

The study used data gained from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics and other organizations when calculating its results. 


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