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Community Engagement Events for Midtown Site Planning


Midtown Moving Forward 
Provides Opportunities for 
Public to Participate In Planning

Various Events in September and October, 
Online and In-person
September 9, 2021 -- The City of Santa Fe is hosting the second Midtown Moving Forward Planning Workshops event on September 23-25, giving community members a chance to learn about and weigh-in on alternatives for the physical development of the Midtown District. Based on the conversations held during the July Midtown Moving Forward Listening Sessions, as well as ongoing public engagement around Midtown and the surrounding Local Innovative Corridor (LINC) areas, the proposed scenarios will serve as the foundation for creating land use zoning and development plans. 
These Midtown Moving Forward Planning Workshops will be facilitated by the City’s planning team and structured to encourage interactions with a site model, alternative plans, and presentation boards focused on land uses and development planning. Project planners will host several in-person open studios at the Southside Library and the Higher Education Center as well as online digital presentations to share ideas, aspirations, and priorities for the future of the Midtown District. Translators and light refreshments will be provided at in-person events. A full schedule of activities and how to participate can be found at (See below.)
In addition to the Midtown Moving Forward Planning Workshops, the City is also sponsoring a series of fun, creative, and interactive events located at the Midtown site and planned throughout September and October. These events will be designed and co-hosted by the Midtown Engagement Partners, a coalition of community groups committed to engaging the leadership of communities of color, low-income, youth and other voices that are often underrepresented in traditional planning processes. 
Mayor Alan Webber says: “We are committed to creating an equitable and sustainable Midtown District. Our communities are diverse, and this engagement process is designed to reach as many people in as many ways and times they are most comfortable with. The future shape of Santa Fe is on the drawing boards right now. This is a rare opportunity for residents to participate in planning the most consequential development of a generation in the life of Santa Fe.”
Through the Midtown Moving Forward Public Planning Events, bi-weekly virtual conversations and drop-in sessions at the Santa Fe Art Institute, door-to-door canvassing, tenants’ rights workshops, a bike ride and much more, the entire community is welcomed to imagine the site as a vibrant, connected, and walkable neighborhood. A schedule of community events can be found at
According to the Midtown Engagement Partners, “Commitment to this kind of equitable and authentic community engagement requires both time and resources. This process is an unprecedented investment in Santa Fe and our future, and the communities we represent are relieved to know that the City has made a genuine commitment to a future in Midtown with all of us in it.” 
September Planning Workshops: The Planning Workshops will include discussions, meetings, presentations, and open studios to enable participants to interact with planners, as land use and development plans begin to unfold. These plans will be the basis of zoning and master plan applications that will require regulatory public reviews, hearings, and comment periods which conclude with approvals by the Planning Commission and Governing Body. 

Learn about how the vision for Midtown is informing design principles and site concepts such as connectivity, open space, development intensity and more

For full schedules and instructions on how to join online events, please visit
September 22

Planning Workshop Zoom Webinar 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
A presentation from the consultant team will provide the opportunity for audience members to share their opinions through interactive polls and participate in a Q&A following the presentation.
September 23 

Planning Workshop Drop-In 
3:00 – 8:00 p.m., Southside Library, 6599 Jaguar Dr.
Members of the project team will be on hand to walk community members through a series of exhibits, answer questions and take feedback in a relaxed setting.

Voices at Midtown Online Event 
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
The Residents’ Bill of Rights – How the housing and urban planning pillars (affordability, quality, sustainability/health, accessibility/fairness/equity, stability/permanence/displacement protection and community control) will be applied to Midtown. 

September 24 

Planning Workshop Drop-In  
9:00 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd. 
A 3D conceptual model of the Midtown site will show how these concepts could inform development on the site. Members of the project team will be on hand to walk community members through a series of exhibits, answer questions and take feedback in a relaxed setting.      

September 25        
Planning Workshop Drop-In               
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd.
Same agenda as above. 
Planning Workshop Zoom Webinar  10:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 
Same agenda as September 22.      

Site Events at Midtown   
11:00 – 2:00 pm 
Midtown Tenant Clinic & Bike Giveaway
Higher Education Center, 1950 Siringo Rd. 


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