
Southside Teen Center Groundbreaking


Public Invited to Attend Southside Teen Center Ground-breaking Tuesday, September 14

Following the Governing Body's unanimous approval of the $9.2 million contract for the construction of the Southside Teen Center on Wednesday evening, there will be a ceremonial groundbreaking on the site at 10 a.m. next Tuesday, September 14.

Event: Southside Teen Center Groundbreaking Ceremony

Where: 6600 Valentine Way

When: Tuesday, September 14, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Who: Members of the public and the media are invited to join Mayor Webber and representatives of relevant City departments, members of the City Council, State representatives, Jaynes Corporation representatives, and other stakeholders.

Located across Country Club Rd. from the Southside Public Library and adjacent to the Boys & Girls Club, the center's allocation of space is based on surveys of teens who were asked what they want and need: a gym, game room, arts and crafts space, a dance and performance studio, and an outdoor sports area/soccer field. The kids' top motivations for their choices were for places to de-stress, stay healthy, and build relationships with peers. The center will promote education and career opportunities, health and wellness, afterschool and child care programs, and provide outreach services to benefit the community as a whole.

Mayor Alan Webber says: “We can all feel proud that the City is moving forward with this long-awaited project. It took money, cooperation, perseverance and leadership to carry this from idea to proposal to reality. It is a down payment on our commitment to the young people of Santa Fe. We are putting our community’s money where our community’s future is.”
The Teen Center will be in District 3, represented by Councilor Abeyta and Councilor Rivera. 

Councilor Roman "Tiger" Abeyta: "After three and a half years of advocating for state resources, city resources, and engaging our young people the Teen Center has become a reality, I am truly thankful and humbled by the decision of the Governing Body to make this happen. "
Councilor Christopher Rivera: “I am honored to be a part of this project and humbled that it has finally come to fruition. Many people have worked on this, including many of our youth, so I am glad for them and can’t wait to see how they make the teen center their own.”

Kyra Ochoa, acting Director of the Community Health and Safety Department, says: “The City has long recognized the growth of our youth population on the Southside, and the development of Zona Del Sol kick-started youth services in the area. With the exciting addition of the Southside Teen Center, we can provide not only recreational opportunities but resources and support that youth in the area need to thrive. The City’s Community Services, Recreation, and Public Works staffs have worked diligently with the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Board and with community groups to ensure the building and design fit the needs of young people. Countless community leaders and community members have championed the project over the years. All of this collective advocacy and hard work have made this dream a reality.”

"Having a comfortable place for teens to be able to reach out to each other and adults who can help is something that has been needed on the south side of town for a really long time,” says Alicia Gettler, a junior at Monte Del Sol Charter School who works at the Boys & Girls Club. “I am excited to see it get built." 
The building will be LEED-certified Silver for sustainability, by conserving money and energy, reducing waste and greenhouse emissions, and promoting the health and safety of occupants.


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