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The University of New Mexico has passed out more than $1 million in federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) money so far as part of "Vax the Pack." | Facebook

'I'm thrilled at the response we've had:' University of New Mexico extends 'Vax the Pack' vaccination incentive program

Offering a $100 incentive, the University of New Mexico is extending its coronavirus vaccination program after it says it was very successful in getting students to get the shot. 

The university has passed out more than $1 million in federal Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) money so far as part of "Vax the Pack," according to a press release.

"I’m thrilled at the response we’ve had through the Vax the Pack incentive program," James Holloway, UNM provost and vice president of Academic Affairs said in the release. "Each of us protects all of us. Most importantly, we’re protecting those who can’t get the vaccine yet – especially younger brothers and sisters. Vaccinated students are displaying their compassion and diligence in protecting not just themselves, but those in our community who are most vulnerable."

To be eligible, students registered for the Fall 2021 semester have to upload proof of vaccination to have the money put into their accounts, according to the press release. After that, the $100 will be deposited into students' bursar's accounts. 

They have until the end of September to be fully vaccinated and upload the required document.

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