Some Albuquerque residents are speaking out against a proposed new soccer stadium, which the city estimates will cost between $65 million and $70 million, according to KRQE. | Pixabay

Albuquerque residents decry $70 million soccer stadium amid 'economic fallout of COVID-19,'


Some Albuquerque residents are speaking out against a proposed new soccer stadium, which the city estimates will cost between $65 million and $70 million, according to KRQE.

Several residents voiced their concerns during the Aug. 9 city council meeting's public discussion section.

"I cannot support the establishment of a stadium at this time. The city is acting as if the United having a stadium is a crisis when in fact we are facing an actual crisis right now especially in the economic fallout of COVID-19,” a public commenter said during the Albuquerque City Council meeting.

After the land acquisition, the stadium's total cost is estimated to cost between $71 million and $84 million, according to the KQRE report.

Additionally, Mayor Tim Keller is seeking to introduce a $50 million bond proposal for the project on the fall ballot.

City officials claim, however, that the bond would be repaid via gross receipts tax income, which would not result in a tax increase for residents, according to a report by the Albuquerque Journal.


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