Masks will be mandatory in New Mexico elementary schools for all students, whether vaccinated or not, and students who refuse to wear masks will be sent home, according to the Pinon Post. | Pixabay

Block: New Mexico Public Education's mask regulations 'completely authoritarian' for upcoming school year


The New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) has announced new mask regulations for schools, stating that masking would remain necessary in the majority of schools, which will resume classes in the coming weeks, according to a report by the Pinon Post.

KVIA also reported that evidence of vaccination will be needed for individuals who do not want to wear masks at junior and high schools, but masks will remain mandatory for those who have not been vaccinated.

"This policy is completely authoritarian," Jay C. Block, a candidate for New Mexico governor, wrote in a tweet. "Now the Gov will segregate kids and staff based on vaccinations. This is shaming and now there is a surveillance program to report violators and mandatory testing. This is wrong, completely wrong." 

Additionally, the Pinon Post reported that masks will be mandatory in elementary schools for all students, whether vaccinated or not, and students who refuse to wear masks will be sent home.

COVID-19 testing for teachers and school staff will also be increased as a result of a required 25% weekly testing requirement for any unvaccinated staff members, as well as a 25% weekly testing requirement for unvaccinated students participating in sports.

Although teacher unions welcome the tighter restrictions, the Pinon Post states that the NMPED is "treating unvaccinated individuals with punitive measures," citing one measure that mandates "unvaccinated students should sit on only one side of a table and maintain the prescribed social distance."


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