The Gold King Mine spill in Colorado in August 2015 released millions of gallons of contaminated water into the Animas and San Juan Rivers. | YouTube

Public invited to share Gold King Mine disaster restoration projects in 'significant first step'


The New Mexico Office of the Natural Resources Trustee requests the public share their ideas to restore resources harmed by the 2015 Gold King Mine disaster.

A press release from Trustee Hart Stebbins published July 21 said suggestions are welcome, especially from “communities whose jobs, livelihoods and environment were directly affected by the Gold King Mine release.”

“We recognize that this funding will not fully repair or restore all the injuries caused by the Gold King Mine release, but it represents a significant first step toward that goal,” Hart said.

The release explained that a blowout at the Gold King Mine in Colorado in August 2015 released millions of gallons of water contaminated with toxins that drained into the Animas and San Juan Rivers, which ultimately affected New Mexico residents.

Projects that benefit surface water, wildlife, and/or aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, that benefit agriculture or that address existing impairments to the Animas and/or the San Juan Rivers would qualify for funding, the release added.

Additionally, the release stated proposed projects must have a broad public benefit and a direct tie to environmental injuries caused the Gold King Mine disaster.

A virtual information stakeholder meeting is scheduled for July 28 from 3:00-4:30 p.m. The deadline for project submissions is Aug. 21.

To register for the meeting, click here.


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