New Mexico Sun

OPINION: The Veil of "Rules" and the Disenfranchisement of New Mexico's Elected Leaders

In the halls of the New Mexico State Legislature, a scene unfolded this Wednesday that starkly illustrated the widening gulf between the citizens and those selected to represent them.

OPINION: The Erosion of the Democratic Process: Public Exclusion in New Mexico’s Legislative Process

In a constitutional republic, the fundamental principle is that the power resides with the people. Yet, in recent events unfolding within the chambers of the New Mexico Legislature, this principle seems to be fading into obscurity. The decision by the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Christine Chandler to “log roll” comments on two separated bills without the presentation of both bills exemplifies the contempt legislators have for the people of this state. Those present were required to speak on HB 27 & HB 129, both very complex issues affecting basic constitutional rights and those on zoom were basically ignored.

Corporate Welfare

I have been attending the Bernalillo County Commission meeting for well over a year now and things seem to be moving in the wrong direction. The Bernalillo County Commission and the City of Albuquerque are precariously sitting on a financial slope that the people may have a hard time recovering from.

Address the problem, not the symptom

There is a growing awareness of truth that is beginning to rise in New Mexico.