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New Mexico requires current child support for hunting and fishing licenses


Parents in New Mexico must be current on their child support payments to obtain hunting and fishing licenses. Betina Gonzales McCracken, director of HCA’s Child Support Services Division, stated, “We want parents to enjoy the hunting and fishing adventures New Mexico has to offer. If you are behind in paying child support, reach out to us. We can help you get caught up or assist you with finding a job to start meeting your commitment and get your license.”

The child support program provides a certified list of parents who are behind on child support each month to 63 state agencies that issue licenses. Parents looking to avoid delays can contact the Child Support Services Division through YES.NM.GOV or by calling 800-283-4465.

Once a parent is up-to-date with their payments, they need to pay a $25 reinstatement fee through their Game and Fish customer account or by calling 1-888-248-6866.

Michael Sloane, director of the Department of Game and Fish, remarked, “Spending time outdoors can be a great way to connect with your children. Don’t miss out on a potential once-in-a-lifetime hunting or fishing trip because you aren’t up-to-date on your child support.”

For unemployed parents, the STEPUp! program collaborates with the Department of Workforce Solutions to provide job opportunities and training for consistent monthly payments. In 2024, this initiative helped 710 parents find jobs and meet their child support obligations.

Celebrating its 50th year, the child support program serves families across New Mexico with 50,000 active cases. In 2024 alone, it collected $119.2 million, with 98 percent going directly to families.

Additionally, services are provided in multiple languages through CTS Language Link for non-English speakers and Relay New Mexico ensures communication access for individuals who are deaf or speech disabled.


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