Whether you consider yourself pro-choice or pro-life, we can all agree that if a child is born alive, she deserves medical care, regardless of how she was born. There is no controversy.
HB 234, Medical Care for All Infants Born Alive, was set to be heard by the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee (HCPAC) on February 13. However, it was postponed and never rescheduled. The question is: Why?
HB 234 states, “…whether the expulsion or extraction occurs as a result of natural or induced labor, cesarean section or induced abortion, shows any evidence of life, including: (1) breathing; (2) a heartbeat; (3) umbilical cord pulsation; or (4) definite movement of voluntary muscles.” Where is the controversy?
Why has HCPAC Committee Chair Joanne J. Ferrary (D-District 37) refused to place it back on the agenda?
I might be going out on a limb here, but might Rep. Ferrary put the bill back in play if the words “induced abortion” were struck? What kind of society have we become if we stand by and watch as a crying baby slowly dies of neglect because she is “unwanted”? This is not abortion; it’s infanticide.
New Mexico is one of the few states that does not provide the legal protection that HB 234 gives. This bill simply differentiates between a human being and medical waste. It is a disgrace that our legislators won’t even grant it a hearing.
Make your voice heard. Demand that the HCPAC put HB 234 back on the agenda and do what is morally right. Contact the committee members today:
Committee Chair: Rep. Joanne J. Ferrary (D-District 37) – joanne.ferrary@nmlegis.gov
Vice Chair: Rep. Angelica Rubio (D-District 35) – angelica.rubio@nmlegis.gov
Rep. John Block (R-District 51) – John.Block@nmlegis.gov
Rep. Stefani Lord (R-District 22) – info@lord2020.com
Rep. Andrea Romero (D-District 46) – andrea@andrearomero.com
Rep. Elizabeth “Liz” Thomson (D-District 24) – liz.thomson@nmlegis.gov
This is not about politics; it is about a government willingly allowing infanticide under its watch. Stand up. Demand HB 234 be heard.