The television program "The Early Show with Alax" has been honored with a Rocky Mountain Emmy. This recognition comes as a result of the collaborative efforts of research teams from the University of New Mexico's Family Development Program and the Cradle to Career Policy Institute.
Produced by MediaDesk and Film Nest Studios for the Early Childhood Education and Care Department (ECECD), the show is supported by research and family engagement initiatives from these university-based programs. The program provides resources to families in New Mexico, focusing on creativity and surprise elements. The character Alax, an intergalactic ambassador of care, engages with experts while learning alongside parents and caregivers, using humor to demonstrate that it's acceptable for adults not to have all the answers.
"The Early Show with Alax" addresses various topics relevant to raising young children, such as safe sleep practices, play's role in early skill development, language acquisition and literacy, developmental milestones, fatherhood, pregnancy, and Pre-K education.
Janelle Garica Cole, training and developmental educational manager at UNM's Family Development Program stated: “The idea for this show emerged from years of our collaborative work and research for the Early Childhood Education and Care Department.” She expressed pride in her team's involvement in maintaining the show's connection to family concerns and needs while ensuring content is vetted by early childhood professionals.
Launched in 2023 by MediaDesk—a creative agency based in New Mexico—the show is supported by UNM's Family Development Program, Cradle to Career Policy Institute, New Mexico PBS, and United Way of Central New Mexico. It is currently preparing for its third season set for release in spring 2025.
With over 11 million views and more than 26,000 subscribers on YouTube so far, Hailey Heinz—deputy director at UNM’s Cradle to Career Policy Institute—remarked: “This Emmy is an exciting affirmation of the show’s quality and creativity.” She emphasized that despite New Mexico's leadership in early childhood support programs nationwide there remains a gap between available programs' awareness among families which this innovative show aims bridge through entertainment coupled with information delivery methods resonating well within communities.