School of Law begins new clinical law program with swearing-in ceremony

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Kimberly Gauderman Associate Professor | UNM School of Law Clinical Programs

The School of Law has commenced its 2024 Clinical Law Program with a swearing-in ceremony held on August 15, 2024. Students took the oath of office under the guidance of Judge Zachary Ives from the New Mexico Court of Appeals.

Associate Dean of Experiential Learning Serge Martinez remarked, “This year marks the 163rd set of students to come through the Clinic since we started in 1970. It’s such a thrill every time we do this ceremony to see our new clinicians take on the privileges and responsibilities of representing clients in the Clinic and to anticipate all the learning experiences they will have during their time in the Clinic. My colleagues and I are so fortunate to have the opportunity to watch the transformation that Clinic students go through every semester, starting with taking the Oath on the first day.”

The clinical program integrates classroom instruction with community practice, offering students vital real-world experience. The School of Law welcomes another group of students into this experiential learning initiative.