UNM-Taos holds first paramedic graduation ceremony in over 20 years

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Garnett S. Stokes, President - The University of New Mexico Board of Regents | University of New Mexico

On Tuesday, Sept. 10, UNM-Taos hosted a paramedic graduation ceremony for the first time in over 20 years. Under the leadership of Josh Wright, director of EMS and chair of health sciences, the program was revived with support from the EMS Academy and UNM-Taos administration to address the need for emergency medical professionals in the community.

UNM-Taos recently graduated seven new paramedics: Jacob Becker, William Brockman, Bernadette Chavez, Chase Ingram, Gabriela Pereyra Falcon, Laura Sandoval, and Amanda Sena. These graduates are already employed and will serve various counties in Northern New Mexico. Taos County is gaining two to three new paramedics; Mora County will have two additional paramedics; and Red River will see an increase from two to three paramedics. Previously, Taos County had only two paramedics available.

Gabriela Pereyra received the Clinical Services Award for her outstanding care within the community. Director of Clinical Education Josh Lopez commented on her resilience: “The trauma we see in our profession pushes many of us out of it. Pereyra seemed to become stronger after each difficult encounter in the field.”

Pereyra has also been instrumental in reviving the Third Rider program, allowing high school students to experience ambulance rides as part of their Flex Fridays. She has organized elementary school ambulance visits to build trust between young students and EMS personnel. Pereyra noted that some children initially feared EMTs due to traumatic experiences but aims to change this perception through continued outreach.

The ceremony was attended by families, teachers, colleagues, and community representatives including Sen. Roberto "Bobby" J. Gonzales, County Manager Brent Jaramillo, Mayor Pascualito Maestas, and Council Member Corilia Ortega.