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Mayor Tim Keller, City of Albuquerque | City of Albuquerque

Mayor Keller outlines public safety initiatives during State of City address


Today, Mayor Tim Keller delivered his sixth State of the City address at a community event hosted at the Albuquerque BioPark Zoo. The gathering brought over 1,300 people together to learn about city efforts on a range of fronts including public safety, housing and homelessness solutions, and creating safe, vibrant ‘third places’ for people of all ages to find belonging in their communities.

Mayor Keller’s speech included stories from residents of different backgrounds in Albuquerque, illustrating some of the programs that are at work in the community. Featured Burqueños include Ceriyah Wilmore, a recent graduate of West Mesa High School who shared her experience in the School Based Violence Intervention Program; Ashley Martinez, who provided insight into Cuidando Los Niños, a nonprofit helping homeless children and their families; and Courtenay Eichhorst from Local 412 Plumbers & Pipefitters who discussed construction in the city and new businesses coming to Albuquerque.

This year’s remarks were centered around “a future worth fighting for,” acknowledging that while challenges exist, there is optimism for Albuquerque's future if efforts continue. Keller’s speech used boxing metaphors and emphasized his commitment to “the promise of Albuquerque for families” from all walks of life.

The full speech will be available this week at cabq.gov/sotc.

Continued Focus on Public Safety

Efforts include increasing patrols on transit systems with PSA’s, Metro Security, and Transit Safety Officers. Crime-fighting technology enhancements include doubling ShotSpotter gun detection coverage, increasing speed cameras from 20 to 40 across the city, adding more cameras and license plate readers for better surveillance, installing over 1,000 streetlights with plans for more especially in underserved neighborhoods. Grants are also being offered to businesses for security improvements.

Addressing Homelessness

The Metro Homelessness Initiative (MHI) was announced as a comprehensive approach to getting people into housing. Efforts include fixing the voucher system and doubling street outreach; introducing a Renters’ Bill of Rights and Landlord Engagement Program; expanding services through five locations under the Gateway Network; transforming shelters into centers offering wrap-around services; building micro-communities like Recovery Gateway; housing over 50 families at Family Gateway; providing jobs as pathways out of homelessness through "A Better Way Forward"; maintaining clean parks and sidewalks; converting rundown hotels into affordable housing such as Los Altos Lofts; adding 2,200 new affordable units since 2018 with plans for more.

Economic Growth

New initiatives aim to bring thousands of jobs in green energy sectors with investments exceeding $1 billion from companies like Ebon, Maxeon, and Array. Efforts are underway to raise the minimum wage in Albuquerque. Downtown rejuvenation includes infusing $200 million over 20 years through a Tax Increment Financing District and supporting downtown leaders organizing a new business improvement district. Job training programs are being expanded with CNM providing free training to nearly 2,000 employees at local businesses.

Healthcare Initiatives

For the first time, the City is partnering with healthcare professionals to open a new clinic aimed at recruiting healthcare specialists. New Mexico’s first dental school by Touro College of Dental Medicine is also coming to Albuquerque.

Creating an Inclusive Future

Efforts include building community spaces throughout the city such as parks and multigenerational centers; adding dog parks, splash pads, bathrooms, water fountains back into parks; planting trees and pollinator gardens.

Quotes from Remarks:

“When I came into office we were up against the ropes... We fought back with more civilian response... This approach is working.”

“It’s hard to believe but it was only four years ago when the federal government almost took over our entire department... We will never back down.”

“We’re announcing the Metro Homelessness Initiative (MHI)... No idea is off the table when it comes to getting people off the street.”

“Just last week our second massive solar manufacturer announced it’s coming... America’s future is being built here today.”

“I know sometimes it’s tempting to focus on what’s wrong... Make no mistake ‘good things’ ARE happening.”

“Our love of Albuquerque can be complicated... Building a strong community despite our challenges IS Albuquerque’s story.”

The Address Will be Airing on Local Stations:

KOAT Channel 7: Sunday August 25th at 4:30 p.m.

KRQE Channel 13: Sunday September 1st at 4:00 p.m.

Fox Channel 2: Sunday August 25th at 5:00 p.m.

CW Channel 19: Sunday September 1st at 10:00 a.m.

KASY Channel 50: Sunday August 25th at 7:30 a.m.

Continuing his tradition Mayor walked out to Heavy Metal (#metalmayor) songs “Diablo” by Kerry King and “512” by Lamb of God.



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