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APD regains oversight of use-of-force investigations

Harold Medina, Police Chief | City of Albuquerque

The city of Albuquerque has confirmed that the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) has regained control over use-of-force investigations. The External Force Investigation Team (EFIT), an external team, will continue to review backlogged cases under the Court-Approved Settlement Agreement in its ongoing investigative role.

The APD and the US Department of Justice reached an agreement for the transfer of investigation of major use-of-force incidents, classified as Level 2 and Level 3 incidents. In 2021, APD partnered with the DOJ to establish EFIT, a team designed to assist in the examination of significant use-of-force incidents. A subsequent agreement handed EFIT the responsibility of investigating a backlog of cases from January 2020 to January 2021. The APD categorizes force into three levels: Level 1, causing temporary pain; Level 2, resulting in injury or a complaint of injury; and Level 3, potentially causing serious harm or death. According to a press release by the city of Albuquerque, EFIT's recent quarterly report highlighted improvements in APD's Internal Affairs Force Division (IAFD), emphasizing enhanced investigative processes and professional development for the unit's detectives and investigators.

"This is a major accomplishment and one of the most meaningful changes we've made as a department," said APD Chief Harold Medina, according to a press release by the city of Albuquerque. "It is critical that we are able to conduct our own thorough and professional use-of-force investigations."

Medina graduated from the University of New Mexico before joining APD in 1995 and retiring as a Commander in 2014. His achievements include achieving a 95% compliance rate in decreasing illegal sales to underage youth, reducing property crimes through community policing principles, and earning recognition from Mothers Against Drunk Driving. After serving as Chief of Police for the Pueblo of Laguna, he returned to APD in 2017 as Deputy Chief. In March 2021, he was appointed as the permanent Chief of APD, receiving unanimous confirmation from the Albuquerque City Council, according to the APD webpage provided by the city of Albuquerque.

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