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City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met Oct. 17


City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met Oct. 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:



Members Present:

Member Marie Schow

Member Elizabeth Alarid 

Member Rebecca Phillips

Library Director Margaret Neill

Member Janet Gilchrist

Member Adele Oliveira

Members Excused:

Member Sarah Jacobs

Member Brecken Larson

Member Flavian Mark Lupinetti

Others Attending:

Therese Martinez, Clerk


MOTION: Member Schow moved, seconded by Member Gilchrist, to approve the agenda as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Member Schow, Member Alarid, Member Phillips, Library Director Neill, Member Gilchrist, Member Oliveira

Against: None

Abstain: None


a. Request for Approval of the September 19, 2023 Santa Fe Public Library Board Meeting Minutes. (Margaret Neill, Library Division Director; mmneill@santafenm.gov)

MOTION: Member Gilchrist moved, seconded by Member Alarid, to approve the as presented.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Member Schow, Member Alarid, Member Phillips, Library Director Neill, Member Gilchrist, Member Oliveira

Against: None

Abstain: None



a. Margaret Neill, Library Division Director; mmneil@santafenm.gov, 505- 955-6788.

She met with her managers and staff and discussed what the highlights were for the Libraries, showing what has been accomplished in 2023. What was focused on was programming and access. The installation of the period pods (Accomplishment One), included an interview with the New Mexican that was published the previous week. The emphasis was on how long the library had been working on the project and who funded it. The majority of the accomplishments submitted were funded by the Friends of the Library, Save New Mexico, GO Bonds, State Aid, other in kind donations, and the City of Santa Fe. The Library has a lot of Community partners that make things happen.

Members discussed and commented on the majority of the funding coming from outside the City. Further discussion continued on the need for the period pods.

Margaret Neill also stated the importance of supporting the entities/community partners that support the Libraries. The Upgrades to technology (Accomplishment Three) was stated as always a constant need and only certain types of funding could be used for this. GO Bonds can only be used for public use computers, not staff computers. The video magnifier, for example, was a public, patron, donation. The increase in Children's Programming was also highlighted (Accomplishment Four). This accomplishment also included community partner donations. There was a total of 594 programs for children and teens, with attendance of 12,536 with this number increasing toward the end of the year. Popular programs occur for Halloween and Christmas. With the Diversity and Inclusion Programs (Accomplishment Five), the libraries have been working on and talking about the Japanese American internment camps, the indigenous experience in Santa Fe, BIPOC writers and poets, Women's history, a concert series on indigenous New Mexican music, Dia de Los Muertos community ofrendas, and Drag Queen Story time. The Library's role is a place where you can get information without restriction. There has been both positive and negative reactions to the programs.

A Member asked if there were further ways to highlight the accomplishments. Is the City planning to do that with this information? Margaret responded that the City plans on doing an end of year "yearbook".She was not sure what the City will choose to put in there. The Library can also do a year in review and publish the information on the blog or the website. Last year the Library did a year of "playlists". The Library normally collects statistics, such as the amount of programs, and submits them to the state, who submits them to the federal government. Regarding staffing, the Collections Manager position closed, there were six candidates. She had heard back from two so far and she is waiting on responses from the rest for the interviews. The Library Section Manager for Programs closes on October the 31st. This is a companion position to Jessica Gulliford's present position for children and teens. Jess Gulliford was also recognized by the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce's 40 under 40. There will be some shifting internally of staff. Maura Gentry's old position, she doesn't not know the status of it. When Gail Vigil, Contracts Administrator retires, Margaret Neill will be taking on her responsibilities. Both positions are in Community Health and Safety and Margaret will oversee a percentage of their time. Right now the Library is working with the Literary Festival to find a moderator in the wheelhouse of feminism or mythology. The library is looking to find whomever can fit that role. The event will take place at the Convention Center. The Big Read will be in April (2024). The Library's closing event will be the Literary Festival's opening event. The logistics are being started. This will be the third year hosting the Big Read.


a. Marie Schow, President; marie.schow@gmail.com


a. Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library Update

Friends of the Library Update-Susan Sheldon resigned. She also resigned from the book sale committee. Newby Herrod and Joan Marshall, treasurer and head of the Finance Committee, are co presidents in the meantime.

The Board President will reach out to the Friends to see if they want to nominate a new representative to receive e-mails about the Board meetings. In their most recent newsletter, they are starting their events for their 50th anniversary. They are also looking for a new bookkeeper.

Margaret Neill will be leaving on vacation next week. Adam Reilly or Jessica Gulliford can be reached in her absence.


a. Discussion of Strategic Plan. (Margaret Neill, Library Division Director; mmneill@santafenm.gov, 505-955-6788)

Strategic Plan Update-Margaret Neill took what was worked on last month and talked with the Management team, this includes the Branch Managers plus Jessica Gulliford and Kristen Ortelli. The group discussed Library sustainability and staff turnover. Right now, stabilizing the institution is the most important thing to do. What are things that can be done to help sustainability at the Library? How does the Library build capacity? How does the Library retain employees? There was discussion of inconsistent on-boarding of new employees, documentation that is out of date, confusion for staff because of these issues, and how the Library can fix the problem and make things easier for staff. Better training, more support for other training or education (NMLA meeting encouraged), working on documentation and procedures, better communication, being willing to make concessions, transparency, how the budget works and what priorities are

(Lactation Pod example), (salary savings from vacant positions that are untouchable), and just taking things that are decided at a higher level and making them work.

The first year of the Plan would be building our (the Library's) capacity. The second year would be starting the larger scale things that we're building. The third year would be continuing to build upon the previous, so staff could see progress, they can see we are receiving their feedback and meeting the goals set. The 211 having the Navigator, Grants for navigators, re-purposing the room in the entryway (currently used for book storage), managing the facilities better in terms of arrangements and accessibility were all items of discussion for the Plan. Further discussion on the Fogelson Library transition. Wrap-around services such as social services were discussed to be included in the building.

A Member brought up the disconnection with City Hall administration, their making decisions that affect those doing the work, could Maria Sanchez-Tucker be an advocate for the Library, so, the communication is in both directions? Questions could be who are you serving and why are you doing what you're doing? Further discussion on communication with City Hall Administration. Additional discussion on elections of potential new City Councilors. Margaret Neill added to her list for the Plan, more communication and transparency in building strength and capacity. The Plan has expired and the Library got an extension from the State.

The Board needs to looking for someone for the County seat. The City Clerk and the County must be contacted. The appointment would have to be made. The time limit terms need to be given to the members.

10. NEXT MEETING: November 21, 2023




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