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City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee met Oct. 4


City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee met Oct. 4.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:


The meeting of the Quality of Life Committee was called to order by Councilor Amanda Chavez, Chair, at 5:01 pm. 


3. Members Present: 

Councilor Amanda Chavez 

Councilor Lee Garcia 

Councilor Michael Garcia 

Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Members Excused: 

Councilor Jamie Cassutt 

Others Attending: 

Kyra Ochoa, Community Services Department Director 

Elizabeth Martin, Clerk 

Rich Brown, Attendee 


MOTION: Councilor Michael Garcia moved, seconded by Councilor Renee Villarreal, to approve the as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 


Item H was pulled for discussion by Councilor Michael Garcia. 

Item A was pulled for discussion by Councilor Villarreal. 

Item C was pulled by Councilor Michael Garcia so he could recuse himself. 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the consent agenda as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 


a. Opportunities for Membership in the AARP/WHO Network of Age- Friendly States & Communities. (Dr. Joseph Sanchez, AARP New Mexico State Director and Gary Williams, AARP New Mexico) 

The Presentation was given. 

b. Overview of the Santa Fe Children's Museum (Hannah Hausman, Santa Fe Children's Museum) 

The Presentation was given. 


a. Request for Approval of the September 20, 2023 Quality of Life Committee Meeting Minutes. (Loretta S. Olguin, Business Operations Manager: Isolguin@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Councilor Villarreal pointed out several corrections to the minutes and asked that the approval be postponed until the next quality of life meeting so that corrections could be made. 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Michael Garcia, to postpone the minutes until the next meeting of the Quality of Life Committee. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

b. Request for Approval of the 2024 Employee Calendar. (Bernadette Salazar, Human Resources Director; bjsalazar@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the informational as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

c. Request for Approval of FY 2024 State of New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department Grant Contract #24-624-4000-0024 in the Total Amount of $313,120 for the Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion and Retired Senior Volunteer Programs through June 30, 2024. (Theresa Trujillo, Volunteer Program Manager: tptrujillo@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the contract as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

Councilor Michael Garcia recused himself from this item as he works for the Federal agency that administers this program. 

d. Request for Approval of New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department (ALTSD) FY 2024 New Mexico Grown Program Grant in the Total Amount of $75,687.55 for Nutrition Congregate and Home Delivered Meals Provided Under Title IIIC of the Older Americans Act (OAA) through May 30, 2024. (Manuel Sanchez, Division of Senior Services Director: mnsanchez@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the contract as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:  

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

e. Request for Approval of FY 2024 North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, Non-Metro Agency on Aging (AAA) Grant Contract #2023-2024-60026-N in the Total Amount of $123,817.00 for the Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) through June 30, 2024. (Manuel Sanchez, Senior Services Division Director: mnsanchez@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the contract as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

f. Request for Approval of FY 2024 North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, Non-Metro Agency on Aging (AAA) Grant Contract #2023-2024-60026-S in the Total Amount of $22,808.00 for the Senior Employment Program (SEP) through June 30, 2024. (Manuel Sanchez Senior Services Division Director: mnsanchez@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the contract as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

g. Request for Approval of FY 2024 North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, Non-Metro Agency on Aging (AAA) Grant Contract #2023-2024-60026 in the Total Amount of $1,028,849.40 for the Title III Federal and State Sub-Award Contract through June 30, 2024. (Manuel Sanchez Senior Services Division Director: mnsanchez@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review: 

Finance Committee: 10/02/2023 

Quality of Life: 10/04/2023 

Governing Body: 10/11/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the contract as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 

h. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION 2023- (Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, Councilor Renee Villarreal, Councilor Chris Rivera, and Councilor Amanda Chavez) 

A Resolution Directing the City Manager to Establish an Office of Equity and Inclusion. (John Blair, City Manager, jwblair@santafenm.gov) 

Committee Review 

Governing Body (Introduced):09/27/2023 

Quality of Life Committee: 10/04/2023 

Finance Committee: 10/16/2023 

Governing Body: 10/25/2023 

MOTION: Councilor Renee Villarreal moved, seconded by Councilor Lee Garcia, to approve the resolution as presented. 

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote: 

For: Councilor Amanda Chavez, Councilor Lee Garcia, Councilor Michael Garcia, Councilor Renee Villarreal 

Against: None 




10. NEXT MEETING: October 18 2023 


There being no further business before the Committee the meeting adjourned at 6:44 pm. 



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