New Mexico Sun

City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee met May 30


City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee met May 30.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:






a. Outdoor Industry Conference Update ( Jason Grinage, Economic Development Specialist:, (505) 955-6840)


a. Approval of Minutes for the May 3, 2023 Quality of Life Committee (Loretta S. Olguin, Business Operations Manager:, 505-955-6334).

b. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Recovery Funds Subrecipient Contract #22-0584 in the Total Amount of $600,000 for Consuelo’s Place Shelter to Extend the Term through June 30, 2023. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, (505) 955-6574).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

c. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Contract Item #22-0072 with Homewise in the Total Amount of $700,000 for Los Canales Project Extending the Term through June 30, 2024. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, 505-955-6574).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

d. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Professional Services Agreement with Homewise in the Total Amount of $500,000 for Down Payment Assistance. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, (505) 955-6574).

Committee Review

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

e. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Professional Services Agreement with Life Link in the Total Amount of $250,000 for the Life Link Rental Assistance Fund. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, 505-955-6574)

Committee Review

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

f. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Professional Services Agreement with St. Elizabeth Shelters in the Total Amount of $250,000 for Rental Assistance at Santa Fe Suites. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, 505-955-6574).

Committee Review

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

g. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Professional Services Agreement with Santa Fe Community Housing Trust in the Total Amount of $600,000 for Down Payment Assistance. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, 505-955-6574)

Committee Review

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

h. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) Professional Services Agreement with the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness in the Total Amount of $575,000 for the Operations of Consuelo’s Place Shelter. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, 505-955-6574).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

i. Request for Approval of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Professional Services Agreement with Community Solutions DBA Vincent’s Legacy LLC in the Total Amount of $969,500 for Capital Improvements and Unit Upgrades at Santa Fe Suites. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, (505) 955-6574).

Committee Review

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

j. Request for Approval of Amendment No. 1 to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Service Agreement Item #22-0294 with the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness to Extend the Term through August 31, 2023. (Cody Minnich, Project Manager, Office of Affordable Housing,, (505) 955-6574).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

k. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Gerard’s House to Provide Navigation Services and Group Grief Support Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $267,600 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505- 955-6728).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

l. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Communities in Schools of New Mexico to Provide Navigation Services to Children and Youth Ages 0-21 in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $239,250 Inclusive of NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955- 6728).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

m. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Cooking with Kids, Inc. to Provide Nutrition Education Programming to Children and Youth Ages 0-21 in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $129,000 Inclusive of NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955- 6728).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

n. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Girls Inc. of Santa Fe to Provide Navigation Services and Prevention Programming for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $239,250 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

o. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with the New Mexico Suicide Intervention Project to Provide Navigation Services, Family Counseling, School Group Counseling, and Training on Natural Helpers for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $239,250 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

p. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with the Santa Fe Public Schools Adelante Program to Provide Navigation Services and Housing and Homeless Support Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $261,300 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026.

(Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

q. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with the Santa Fe Public Schools Teen Parent Program to Provide Navigation Services and Social and Academic Case Management for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $302,250 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026.

(Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

r. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with the Santa Fe Recovery Center to Provide Navigation Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $160,500 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

s. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Wise Fool New Mexico to Provide Navigation Services; Summer Circus Arts Education; and After School, Winter and Summer Art Education Opportunities for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $129,000 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

t. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Big Brothers Big Sisters to Provide Navigation Services and Mentoring Support Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $144,750 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

u. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with YouthWorks to Provide Navigation Services, Work-Based Learning Opportunities, and Counseling Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $147,900 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

v. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Santa Fe Public Schools Restorative Justice Program to Provide Restorative Justice Support and Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $236,100 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

w. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with The Food Depot to Provide Food at School-Based Food Pantries for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $201,450 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

x. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with SITE Santa Fe to Provide Art Education Opportunities for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $129,000 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

y. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Partners In Education (PIE) Artworks to Provide Art Experience Workshops for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $151,050 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

z. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Partners In Education (PIE) Santa Fe Public Schools (SFPS) Parent Involvement Program (PIP) and Wellness Ambassadors to Voice and Empower (WAVE) to Provide Student Wellness Opportunities and Early Intervention and Prevention Programming for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $154,200 Including NMGRTin the Total Amount of $154,200 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

aa. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Youth Shelters and Family Services to Provide Navigation Services and Housing Support Services for Children and Youth in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $160,500 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez, Youth and Family Services Program Manager,, 505-955-6728)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ab. Request for Approval of a Service Agreement with Growing Up New Mexico to Provide Navigation Services to Children and Youth Ages 0-21 in Santa Fe in the Total Amount of $129,000 Inclusive of NMGRT through June 30, 2026. (Christa Hernandez,, 505- 955-6728).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ac. Request for Approval of a General Services Contract with Pallet PBC for the Purchase of up to 100 Emergency Shelter Units in an Amount not to Exceed $1,466,100 Including NMGRT through June 30, 2025. (Kyra Ochoa, Community Health and Safety Department Director; 505-955-6603; Brian Williams, Emergency Management Director;, 505-955- 6537; Julie Sanchez, Youth and Family Services Division Director;, 505-955-6678)

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ad. Request for Approval of the Finance Department’s Auction Disposal List and the Authority to Delegate Signing of the Titles to the Chief Procurement Officer or Its Designee. (Emily Oster, Finance Director:

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ae. Request for the Approval of Amendment #1 to Contract Item #22-0513 with the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District Non Metro Area Agency on Aging to Decrease the Original Contract Amount in the Total Amount of $231,437.65 for the Senior Title III Programs through June 30, 2023, (AAA) Manuel Sanchez, Interim Senior Services Director,, 505-955-6568.

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

af. Request for Approval of an Amendment No. 1 to Aging and Long Term Services Department Intergovernmental Agreement Item #23-0030 with the State of New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department for an Adjustment of the Award in the Total Amount of $64,176.27 for the Senior Volunteer Programs. (Manuel Sanchez Interim Senior Services Director,, 505-955-6568).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ag. Request for Approval of a Budget Adjustment Resolution (BAR) to Adjust the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District Non Metro Area Agency on Aging Original Contract Amount Awarded for the Senior Title III Programs to Contract Item #2022-23-60026, Term Ending June 30, 2023. (Manuel Sanchez, Interim Senior Services Director,, 505-955-6568)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ah. Request for Approval of a Budget Adjustment Resolution (BAR) for the North Central New Mexico Economic Development District, Non-Metro Area Agency on Aging State Funding for the American Rescue Plan Sub Award, Term Ending June 30, 2023. (Manuel Sanchez, Interim Senior Services Director,, 505-955-6568)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ai. Request for Approval of a Purchase Order for a Portable X-Ray System and Accessories for Screening Suspicious Packages and Other Items by the Explosive Ordinance Disposal Team from Sharplogixx, LLC in the Amount of $71,375 Including NMGRT Utilizing Funding from the 2021 New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Sub-Grant Agreement. (Brian Williams,, 505-469-1484)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body Committee: 05/31/2023

aj. Request for Approval of an Amendment No. 1 to Aging and Long Term Services Department Intergovernmental Agreement Item #23-0030 with the State of New Mexico Aging and Long Term Services Department for an Adjustment of the Award in the Total Amount of $64,176.27 for the Senior Volunteer Programs. (Manuel Sanchez Interim Senior Services Director,, 505-955-6568).

Committee Review:

Finance Committee: 05/15/2023

Quality of Life Committee 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023

ak. Request for Approval to Purchase Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) Technician Suits and Accessories from Med-Eng, LLC in the Amount of $81,666 Including NMGRT Utilizing Funding from the 2021 New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Sub Grant Agreement. (Brian Williams,, 505-469- 1484)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 05/30/2023

Governing Body Committee: 05/31/2023

al. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION 2023-___ (Councilor Cassutt, Councilwoman Villarreal)

A Resolution Authorizing the Sale and Consumption of Alcohol During the International Folk Art Market on July 6-8, 2023, Pursuant To SFCC 1987, Section 23-6.2(C). (Kristine Mihelcic, City Clerk/Director of Community Engagement,, 505-955-6327)

Committee Review

Governing Body: (Introduction) 05/10/2023

Quality of Life: 05/30/2023

Governing Body: 05/31/2023




10. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, June 7, 2023



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