City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met Feb. 21


City of Santa Fe Public Library Board met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Members Present:

Member Marie Schow

Member Elizabeth Alarid

Member Brecken Larson

Member Rebecca Phillips

Library Director Margaret Neill

Member Adele Oliveira

Members Excused:

Member Sarah Jacobs

Member Flavian Mark Lupinetti

Member Janet Gilchrist

Others Attending:

Maura Gentry, Clerk


MOTION: moved, seconded by , to approve the as presented.



VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Member Schow, Member Alarid, Member Larson, Member Phillips, Library Director Neill, Member Oliveira

Against: None

Abstain: None

Motion to add board positions to the agenda was approved.


a. Approval of November 15, 2022 minutes.

MOTION: moved, seconded by , to approve the as presented.



VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Member Schow, Member Alarid, Member Larson, Member Phillips, Library Director Neill, Member Oliveira

Against: None

Abstain: None



a. Margaret Neill, Library Director


Narrative reports were sent prior to the meeting by Maura Gentry.

Here are the highlights:

• Nicole White has resigned as Branch Manager of Southside effective March 3rd

• New Librarian starts March 8th .

• The hiring process has begun for the branch manager position – we have put up a two week posting. We normally go a couple of rounds of posting before we find someone, so we are working on getting candidates.

• Barb Messer, our interlibrary loan librarian, is retiring. Technically she retires in May, but she has some leave built up so she will be leaving in March. Our reference librarian, Ester Rydzik, will be taking over interlibrary loan.

• We have not heard anything about the Big Read yet.

• We have a new librarian in technical services, Sandy Farrell. She was the director of the Hobbs library and retired here.

• Facilities – the funding for the community room HVAC has been pulled to another project. It will be fixed rather than replaced. We have talked to the Friends about getting a portable A/C unit, otherwise we won’t be able to do much programming here over the summer.

◦ They are going to start the project of replacing both elevators.

• La Farge has had numerous fires set around the exterior of the building, most of them appear to be warming fires. Staff had a scare when a man accidentally set himself on fire, and parks helped put the fire out – then he was brought into the library to wait for the paramedics. There is not much that we can do right now to remedy these occurrences.

◦ Member Phillips – Is this a system issue?

◦ Director Neill – I have seen there are some others occurring around the city, but I don’t know about the connection. Mostly we see them at La Farge; Southside has some people sleeping on the patios, but LF has more of the vandalism.We are trying to keep the area around the facility clean in order to make it less attractive, but parks currently does not have the staffing. Maura has been working with a boy scout troop to work on landscaping. Facilities is putting up a security fence in the back. Not sure who the project was initiated by.

◦ Member Schow – Public schools own the land, correct? ◦ Director Neill – Yes, and the city owns the building. Facilities is in charge of the project, so it’s a city thing, not exactly sure. It’s utilitarian.

◦ Member Phillips – I’m troubled that there’s something happening at LF that is falling on the library’s shoulders but is not your responsibility – should we ask Kyra to come and talk to us?

◦ Director Neill – It is a legitimate question, we have had a large amount of incidents. They’re aware that there are issues, but they are trying to put their resources where they are most needed.

◦ Member Phillips – Ultimately there is a risk of personnel issues, though. Is there an escalation of concern...?

◦ Director Neill – The outstanding issue is that people stay in the arroyo, and will not take advantage of the resources available - for a variety of reasons, and they will try to light fires to stay warm. Fundamentally, it’s how is the city going to deal with the unhoused problem.

◦ Member Phillips – But what has to happen or will happen in the interim?

◦ Director Neill – PD will station someone there for a couple of days or do a more heavy rotation. I’m not sure, I know that the city has had some round tables and discussions.

◦ Member Phillips – Maybe we could hear more about this in a future meeting? It does seem like an item that we could help shed a light on.

◦ Director Neill – A lot of what a public library does is catch those people that have needs, and so many of the people disturbing the land actually use that facility.

◦ Member Phillips – I want to help the library help them. It has to have a place to be able to do that. It sounds like it hasn’t been satisfactory yet.

◦ Director Neill – I created a social work position in Las Cruces, but PD took over that position. That is an option to explore here. You can work with a group that helps the unhoused, to meet with them in the library, it builds trust with that community. It’s hard not to be discouraged because it doesn’t move very quickly.


a. Marie Schow, President

No report.


a. Board Position Appointment

Member Schow – We have a full board and are very excited to welcome Adele and Janet! Member Schow will remain President.

Member Phillips – I am interested to stay on, but as Marie and I have similar schedules, I would like for someone else to have the opportunity to be vice president.

Member Schohw – Entertaining nominations for Vice President. Member Larson – I nominate Elizabeth Alarid.

Member Alarid – I accept.

Vote – all in favor – unanimous approval

Member Schow – Thank you Becca for your years of service as VP.

Reappointments will be presented to the General Body March 8th.

MOTION: moved, seconded by , to approve Elizabeth Alarid as Vice President.

VOTE: The motion was approved on the following Roll Call vote:

For: Member Schow, Member Alarid, Member Larson, Member Phillips, Library Director Neill, Member Oliveira

Against: None

Abstain: None

b. Friends of the Santa Fe Library Update – Zella Cox

c. Introduction of new members: Janet Gilchrist and Adele Oliveira Marie Schow, President

d. Set meeting schedule for 2023.

Member Schow – does anyone object to our current schedule of every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:45 p.m.?

Member Phillips – Does this conflict with the Friends?

Member Schow – I can check with Susan about choosing a new liaison or sending a report to us each month.

Member Oliviera – Are we supposed to go to the friends meetings?

Member Schow – We always try to have a liaison, but everyone is welcomed but not required to attend.

Member Alarid – This time works great for me.

We will begin to rotate where we meet, but not necessarily have a tour every time. Have someone from that library pop in for a few minutes – so that we can get to know staff.

Rotation Order:


La Farge



Next month’s meeting falls on spring break, so we will be moving that th meeting to March 14 .


a. Discuss Hybrid Meeting Option

Margaret Neill, Library Director


We have our answer – if we have an in-person quorum, other members can call in. As we are experiencing tonight!

10. NEXT MEETING: No Meeting Scheduled March 14th – our usual date is spring break and a number of us will be out of town.



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