New Mexico Sun

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The Food Depot Executive Director Sherry Hooper | Facebook/The Food Depot

The Food Depot executive director: 'We're excited to have this program providing really good, culturally relevant, nutritious food into the food banks'


The New Mexico Department of Agriculture, New Mexico farmers' marketing association and food banks are working together to create the regional farm-to-food bank program. 

This initiative aims to provide fair prices to local food suppliers such as farmers and ranchers, while also providing food to those in need, according to a report from KRQE News. Leadership from the food bank, known as The Food Depot, commented on these matters publicly. 

"Well, we're excited to have this program providing really good, culturally relevant, nutritious food into the food banks," The Food Depot Executive Director Sherry Hooper told the New Mexico Sun. "We're looking for New Mexico producers."

The Regional Farm to Food Bank program is a subcomponent of the New Mexico Grown Initiative, which is paid for by the USDA. The New Mexico Association of Food Banks purchases locally and regionally sourced food to give out to people in need. Approximately one out of every eight New Mexicans experiences food insecurity in their life, according to a report from KRQE.

The Food Depot is a network of more than 75 partner agencies, such as emergency food pantries, hot meal programs and shelters for various groups of people. As a partner of Feeding America, a national network of food banks, The Food Depot is one of the five food banks in the New Mexico Association of Food Banks. The organization is granted support from local and national product donors, such as food manufacturers and distributors, grocery stores, restaurants and farms, who contribute to their efforts to end hunger, according to a statement from The Food Depot.

The Food Depot also has an approved supplier program to ensure the quality of their food, according to a report from KRQE News. 


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