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Rep. Cathrynn Brown | Facebook/Representative Cathrynn Brown

Brown: Amendment to reproductive, gender-affirming healthcare bill would minimize 'unacceptable risks'


New Mexico Rep. Cathrynn Brown said she filed an amendment to House Bill 7 to add safeguards to abortion procedures in order to reduce the potential for injury or death. 

"Abortions are risky procedures involving sharp instruments, powerful suction machines, poisonous chemicals and potentially harmful drugs," she told the New Mexico Sun. "Many abortions are executed under unsanitary conditions. It’s not uncommon for girls and women to be injured during an abortion procedure, and some have even lost their lives."

Brown said the measure aims to "safeguard teenage girls and women who undergo abortion procedures in New Mexico." In her opinion, she said, abortion providers should be required to adhere to the same standards that apply to other surgical centers.

"This is pure common sense," she said, adding that emergency workers and equipment should be available for all abortions.

House Bill 7, Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Healthcare, advanced in the House by a 38-31 vote on Feb. 21. The bill's aim is to prohibit discrimination in reproductive and "gender-affirming" healthcare, according to a story by NM Political Report. The measure would prohibit municipalities and counties from passing ordinances that "directly or indirectly discriminate" against either reproductive and gender-affirming care, and would enable the attorney general or district attorneys to sue an entity responsible for a violation and apply damages, the report stated.

The bill was sponsored by State Rep. Linda Serrato (D-Santa Fe). Several Republicans, including Brown, offered several amendments, which were rejected. She said Rep. Rod Montoya introduced an amendment to insert a conscientious objector clause, and House Republican Leader Ryan Lane put forth an amendment to protect minors under 18, but all were voted down.

“I think this is a very sad day for New Mexico,” Brown told the Albuquerque Journal

Brown said the bill does nothing to care for or address the safety of the patient, which is the source of her complaints.

"The abortion industry fights tooth and nail to stay unregulated, and until this travesty changes, more girls and women will be harmed," she said, adding that the abortion lobby promoting abortion as “health care" is disingenuous. "The killing of a fellow human being is not health care."


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