New mexico sun

New Mexico Sun celebrates two years of operation


The New Mexico Sun was established to bring fresh light to issues that matter most to New Mexicans.  We are proud to announce that after two years of operation, we will continue to report on the people, events, and beauty of our state through fair and honest journalism.

The Sun was established in 2020 by business leaders in our state, including me, with support from a media investment company that is developing new models for regional news outlets.  The Sun is intended to be a non-partisan voice for all New Mexicans.  Every resident is encouraged to submit ideas and engage with our news operations.

Any resident can pitch stories and guest opinion articles to the Sun through our “Pitch a Story” portal—it can be found on the home page and on this page.  We are also happy to publish reader responses to our articles.  The Letter to the Editor button on this page is also available on every story.

The Sun has published hundreds of stories over the past two years from press releases and statements provided by Governor Lujan Grisham, other elected officials, and the state’s business and civic leaders.  We have covered specific issues, such as the homeless problem in Albuquerque and Las Cruces, which has now become a statewide concern. And we’ve covered broader issues of interest to our readers in the areas of education, energy, and even sports.

Media in our state often minimize our problems because of the political or business interests of the individuals involved or the power of their positions. News outlets even glamorize our challenges to make them seem acceptable, or avoid reporting on them until after elections.  The media culture focuses on the political divisions in our state rather than potential solutions that serve everyone.

The New Mexico Sun was established to increase transparency in government and accountability from public officials. It was also started to celebrate the many great people in New Mexico, from small business owners, to civic leaders, to individuals who do good deeds.  

Unlike other media, the Sun does not quote anonymous sources, which can undermine trust, and we do not allow our reporters or editors to provide “analysis” or add their own views into stories.  The Sun does not accept payments from politicians or candidates, or from political action committees.

To guard against the tendency of news outlets to favor certain citizens and political views over others, the Sun publishes news that is compiled by in-state and out-of-state reporters and editors.  This is a specific publishing strategy that is intended to improve objectivity in our reporting, and to support a workflow technology that makes our community-based news affordable.  All stories published on the Sun are available for public use free of charge. 

Our goal at the New Mexico Sun is to focus on New Mexicans and their desire to see our state thrive.  We provide coverage of their views – in their own words – to provide fair, fact-based reporting.  Wherever the Sun relies on the reporting of other outlets, we reference the outlet and provide links to original reporting when appropriate.

The Sun operates in part with funding from non-profit organizations.  We began experimenting with printed editions in November as a means to increase our reach and develop new revenue sources, and hope to expand this approach based on a business model that will include local-only advertisements and low-cost subscriptions.


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