Judy young provided
Judy Young | Provided

Addressing homelessness and crime in Bernallilo County means electing a commissioner with experience


It’s nice to see that my opponent has finally come to the table regarding the issue of behavioral health in homelessness in Albuquerque and Bernallilo County and the need to ‘triage’ for identification and treatment. As I have said numerous times, it is vital that our community leaders recognize that a high number of the homeless among us have an identified mental health condition. In fact, the most recent data on the percentage of homeless folks with self-reported and professionally diagnosed mental illness is more than 70% of the homeless population and a high number of this population has a dual diagnosis of mental health issues with addiction. And with this comes increasing criminal activity: certainly not from all homeless individuals, but a percentage that makes the need for ‘triage’ as part of treatment vital. 

I welcome that that my opponent has finally met me on this issue. My opponent now recognizes that a number of people in Bernallilo County have for a long time recognized this issue that has impacted our community because ‘our community’ is all of us and our own families. It’s time to face the issue with knowledge, skill, and compassion.

But it strikes me that now, a mere ten days prior to a critical election that will place an individual into public office with decision-making authority for this vitally important issue that impacts the physical and fiscal health of Bernallilo County residents (including Albuquerque), my opponent is finally addressing this top tier issue. It is interesting as well that my own words from prior interviews, publications, public meetings and one-in-one visits with constituents have been co-opted by my opponent for a most recent published interview. 

This is not a political issue. And it should not be framed as such. This is all of us.  And the position of Bernallilo County Commissioner needs someone  who has breadth and depth in behavioral health issues, and the impact these tragic conditions that impact a huge number of homeless individuals among us have on every one of us. This situation that involves both high levels of crime and behavioral health issues needs someone in elected office who can bring a multi-faceted approach to problem solving with a proven background including having careers in education and behavioral health and a decades long public crime reduction in communities. In other words: someone who has walked the walk, not someone who has recently arrived to ‘talk the talk.’

Judy Young, MA, LMFT, LCDC is a longtime resident of Albuquerque and was born in Gallup, New Mexico. Judy has been actively engaged in the community with East Gateway  Coalition, Singing Arrow Neighborhood Association, Women Taking Back Our Neighborhoods, Homeless Task Force, Sheriff’s Citizens Academy, Foothills Community Policing Council. She has initiated recommendations that, when followed, significantly reversed the rise in crime. Judy Young is a candidate for Bernalillo County Commission, District 5.  


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