Carla Sonntag, president of the New Mexico Business Coalition | New Mexico Business Coalition

Let’s celebrate our freedom and seek more!


This Independence Day, July 4th, we celebrate 245 years of freedom from England.

But are we still free?

Many in our country have turned their attention to a new model of government. They are seeking one that expands government to take care of the people, rather than the one that was the foundation of this country that empowers the people to provide for themselves.

It’s been a small step at a time that we’ve seen increasing government control over our lives. It starts with expanded assistance for those who could work but choose not; mandates on employer-employee relationships, such as mandatory minimum wages and paid time off; and increased taxes to pay for the increased handouts and regulations.

The trajectory for where we’re heading has not been pleasant. Severe New Mexico Covid lockdowns resulted in 40 percent of our businesses closing permanently. Yet we have a crew of elected officials who think it’s a good idea to put criminals back on our streets, support a government take over of utility companies and banks and invite people to come and live here for free on the backs of those who work.

Sounds like a real downer to think about right before a long weekend of celebration, doesn’t it?

Maybe, but there is some great news hidden in that fog. The American ideal, which is the foundation for this celebration, is as true today as it was when the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, “…that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

There are many New Mexicans waking up to the reality that we control our future and our destiny – not the government. And if we want to pursue our rights, we can elect people who share our values and will help assure these rights are protected.

It is both heartwarming and beautiful to see people coming together from all walks of life and all perspectives deciding they want something better. They want more freedom and less dictates. They want government to do a better job of fulfilling our basic needs for safety and infrastructure and after that, they want government to stand down and let them live the American dream.

The American dream is still alive, and it is still worth pursuing. And that is why as we enjoy a long weekend celebrating our freedom, many of us are dreaming about creating more freedom in our state. And with the momentum and passion I’m seeing from New Mexicans all over this state, I’m confident that will happen with the November elections.

Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "Freedom has its life in the hearts, the actions, the spirit of men and so it must be daily earned and refreshed - else like a flower cut from its life-giving roots, it will wither and die."

New Mexicans have a resilient will, and our destiny is for much better than we’ve seen. We hold the keys to our future, and we see it getting brighter all the time.

Carla Sonntag is the president of the New Mexico Business Coalition, a longtime resident of Albuquerque and publishing group lead for the New Mexico Sun.


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