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Carla Sonntag

Much to celebrate

Around the world it’s Christmas time for many; a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus and a time to reflect on the days recently passed. It’s a time to renew our spirits and find hope for the days ahead.

We’ve spent almost two full years dealing with Covid and its various strains. There have been loved ones lost, many who have suffered from isolation and children unable to attend school impacting not only their education, but their wellbeing. 

We’ve often faced Covid chaos due to government decisions on how to handle the crisis, but let’s hit the pause button and consider the impact that often, unfortunately, isn’t discussed. 

At the time of writing this, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that the United States has recorded 801,243 deaths involving Covid-19. With the U.S. population currently estimated to be 331,449,281, that would make the U.S. Covid death rate 0.24 percent. 

New Mexico did not fare quite as well, which is particularly sad when you consider it had the most stringent and continued lockdown of all states. According to the CDC, New Mexico had 5,640 deaths related to Covid, which is .27 percent.

Every death is a tragedy, and with all that has happened in the past couple of years it sometimes seems that all the news media would have us focus on is the doom and gloom. But amidst the trials, there is still much to celebrate about our lives in New Mexico and our country.

As Americans, we are blessed beyond measure. We still enjoy more freedoms than most countries. Even though the governor of New Mexico continues to enforce measures that other states have long since stopped for lack of science supporting them, we’re still blessed to be here. New Mexico is a state full of culture, history, and wonderful people.

A recent Pew Research Center survey of 9,220 U.S. adults found that 73% of Americans who reported at least one negative change in their lives (jobs, finances, relationships, etc.) as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic also mentioned at least one unexpected benefit: spending more valuable time with family members; lessened commute times for work or school; online video chats bringing them closer to distant family members; having fewer social obligations to keep up with; healthier eating habits and more exercise; and less overall stress with greater appreciation for the things that really matter in life.

That’s the American spirit that makes this a great country; people have found ways to rise above negative circumstances and find the positive in life.

17-year-old Gabrielle Parruli, an Albuquerque student, had visions of starting a business but was busy with high school and sports. The covid shutdowns stopped sports and limited school to online learning. The silver lining was that she had more time to focus on her entrepreneurial ambitions and was able to open Gabrielle’s Greenery, a pop-up boutique store, which operates out of a refurbished Airstream.  

Gabrielle’s passion and belief that one person CAN change the world led to her idea of a mobile ‘refillery’ where empty bottles can be filled with eco-friendly detergents, shampoo, and conditioner as well as a thrift clothing rack and succulents. Something she had been told needed to wait until she was an adult and had more time became ‘doable’ because of the unexpected shutdown of school and sports.  

In 1983, President Ronald Reagan wrote a Christmas message from him and Nancy:

“Sometimes, in the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations we forget that the true meaning of Christmas was given to us by the angelic host that holy night long ago. Christmas is the commemoration of the birth of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, whose message would truly be one of good tidings and great joy, peace, and good will. 

During this glorious festival, let us renew our determination to follow His example.

Won't all of you join with Nancy and me in a prayer for peace and good will? May a feeling of love and cheer fill the hearts of everyone throughout this holiday season and in the coming year.

We hope this Christmas will be especially wonderful and that it will usher in a new year of peace and prosperity.”

There is no better way to say it. I am praying that you find peace in your current situation, love, and joy to share with others, and abundant prosperity in your future.

Carla Sonntag is the president of the New Mexico Business Coalition, a longtime resident of Albuquerque and publishing group lead for the New Mexico Sun.

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