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According to a company release, El Paso Electric serves more than 400,000 customers in New Mexico and Texas combined. | Unsplash

'Not shying away from climate action,' El Paso Electric turns to solar power to diversify portfolio, cover anticipated 2022-23 shortfall


El Paso Electric Company says that its generation mix for 2022-2023 includes purchasing bids for natural gas, solar and battery storage, according to a press release

The utility issued a request for proposals in June of 2017 and received bids through October of 2018, the press release said. This happened after the utility said it found that it would need an additional 370 MW to meet 2022 to 2023 demand, according to the press release. 

"Las Cruces is not shying away from climate action—they’ve gone big & bold with plans to #Electrify city buildings and their vehicle fleet. The work this city has done to begin transitioning smartly is a blueprint we can use across the country to move towards an electric future," Sen. Martin Heinrich (R-Las Cruces) wrote in a tweet

In 2006, EPE set a precedent, becoming the first utility in Texas and New Mexico to forego coal-fired power entirely, instead using natural gas to fill the 1,446 MW electricity shortage, according to the release. The company now aims to diversify beyond natural gas and nuclear power, adding solar energy to its portfolio. 

According to the company release, EPE serves more than 400,000 customers in New Mexico and Texas combined. 


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