It is happening now in an office, hospital or school near you! You won't want to miss this event. Our doctors, nurses, health technicians and teachers were all heroes last year. And rightfully so. They all worked hard for 18 months. They sacrificed, they poured out 150% of what they had to give to serve those that needed testing, needed care and needed education. One of the things we as Americans have done well in the past is support our heroes, those frontline workers that put their own personal safety on the line to serve others. And, that is how we looked at them until this week.
Now? Not so much. Now, those same heroes, the frontline workers, the ones that slogged through hours upon hours of risking their own personal safety to help our communities are losing their jobs! Why? Because they don't want to get the "jab." That's right. Those that courageously put their health on the line to serve others for 18 months without a vaccine, now, aren't powerful enough to fight the machine that says, "If you don't get the jab, you will lose your job."
When people ask me, 'How are things going in New Mexico?' Here's my reply: At a time when common sense is no longer applicable, those in power have decided to push a non-legal mandate and take away the rights of those that paid the highest price during the shutdown.
Where were the politicians during COVID? Protected in their shuttered environments hastily spewing out commands and new rules. And now, they emerge long enough to take away what is not theirs to rightfully take away. I never saw a politician serving at the rapid testing site did you? I never saw a politician roll up their sleeves and help teach a class or set up online classes, or wear the god awful gear that our health care workers were required to wear for 10-12 hours a day. You know, the gear that caused blisters on faces and rashes on skin because of the chemicals required to keep them from catching anything. And those same politicians were out buying jewelry unmasked, having parties, unmasked. In fact, not much changed for them. They still had servants. They still had chefs, maids, maintenance workers and administrative assistants. They still get paid, they still have power, they still get respect, and most of all, they still get to make their own choices for their own personal values. Not us though. Not anyone who chooses to say, "No, I don't want this jab for a whole lot of reasons."
It's unfortunate, but a reality that top elected officials, starting with our governor, seem to share the same values: arrogance instead of humility, unregulated authority instead of compassion, and greed instead of integrity.
From hero to zero for no reason; our doctors, nurses, health technicians, teachers and others on the front lines deserve better.
Rachel Donovan is a published author, certified mediator for the courts, police chaplain and patriotic New Mexican that volunteers thousands of hours each year in service to others.