University of New Mexico nursing honorees 'champion and inspire others'

UNM students from both the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs were recently honored. | Pixabay

The University of New Mexico College of Nursing has announced its outstanding graduates from this summer’s graduating class.

Of the approximately 170 graduates, eight awards are to be issued, including the Pre-Licensure Academic Achievement Award, the Robin Armell Memorial Award, the Graduate Academic Achievement Award, two for the Outstanding New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium Dual Degree Award, the RN-to-BSN Academic Achievement Award and two for the Nursing Leadership Award, according to a press release from the school

"It is an honor to be recognized as the Graduate Academic Awardee with the College of Nursing,” 2021 Graduate Academic Achievement Award Winner Angelina Rodriguez said in the release.

Award recipients were nominated and selected by faculty members, with the college typically awarding students from both the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs.

Other winners included Jenna Hijar (Pre-Licensure Academic Achievement Award), Jacob Justice (Robin Armell Memorial Award), KimDung Bui, Central New Mexico Community College, and Matthew Vigil, UNM Taos (Outstanding New Mexico Nursing Education Consortium Dual Degree Award), Kelly Plymesser (RN-to-BSN Academic Achievement Award) and Michelle Pantoja and Ryan Nunez (Nursing Leadership Award).

“I am truly humbled to be considered a leader, especially amongst this extraordinary group of people and during such unprecedented times,” Pantoja said. “To me, leadership is not to simply instruct or dictate but rather to champion and inspire others to reach their goals. The world has an amazing group of nurses headed its way, and there is no limit to the truly incredible things we will accomplish.”