Mary Lou Lang News

Economist: New Mexico, Lujan Grisham should be spending 'one-time federal dollars' on 'one-time expenses'

In the battle of the budget, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham continues in a tug-of-war with the New Mexico legislature over who has the power to spend federal relief funds—specifically, the unallocated funds from the American Rescue Plan Act—and what they should be spent on.

Opponents insist New Mexico's cannabis legislation could 'permanently damage' rural farming, food security

Recent cannabis legalization could have a substantial negative impact on New Mexico's water supply, food security and quality of life, according to opponents.

Rebound New Mexico challenges residents to answer, 'What does patriotism mean to you?'

A community-based New Mexico nonprofit organization is hosting a speech event where participants are asked to answer the question, "What does patriotism mean to you?"