Heinrich and Vasquez face criticism over handling of fentanyl crisis

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Rebecca Dow CD-2 Vice Chairwoman | Republican Party of New Mexico

Fentanyl overdoses are causing significant harm in New Mexico communities. Democrats Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez are being criticized for allegedly exploiting the fentanyl crisis for political gain ahead of an election, despite previous inaction.

Senator Heinrich previously voted against $800 million in funding aimed at stopping fentanyl smuggling at the southern border. Representative Gabe Vasquez has been accused of refusing to take significant action to address drug smuggling while voting to keep the border open, which critics say allows cartels, gangs, and human traffickers to continue their activities. This alleged inaction is said to have contributed to widespread suffering across the state.

"Throughout their terms, Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez willingly turned a blind eye to the fentanyl crisis," said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. "Now that their political careers are on the line, they want to appear tough on fentanyl, but their efforts come too-little-too-late for the many New Mexico families who have already suffered. It is completely unacceptable for the representatives of our state to be fully aware of the devastating impact of this crisis on our communities, yet when they had the power to act, they chose to do nothing."

Pearce added, "Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez failed to protect New Mexico families when it mattered most. Why should New Mexicans trust them with another term? Their sudden concern and pandering won’t bring back loved ones lost to overdose and for many New Mexicans, their too-little-too-late approach to this crisis is nothing short of devastating."