Critics claim Green New Deal will hurt New Mexico's economy

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Kathleen E. Apodaca Secretary | Republican Party of New Mexico

Martin Heinrich’s support for the Green New Deal poses a significant threat to New Mexico’s energy sector, which is a key component of the state's economy. According to critics, the policies advocated by Heinrich could lead to the loss of up to 149,000 jobs in New Mexico, impacting communities and families dependent on the energy industry.

“Heinrich’s support for the Green New Deal shows he is willing to sacrifice New Mexico jobs to appease radical, progressive elites in Washington,” said Republican Party of New Mexico Chairman Steve Pearce. “These policies would be a disaster for New Mexico, driving up energy costs for families while eliminating thousands of good-paying jobs.”

The Green New Deal proposes measures that would significantly restrict oil and gas production—industries crucial to New Mexico's economic health. Heinrich’s stance against expanding domestic energy production, including oil and gas drilling, is seen as a commitment to policies that could harm the state’s economic prospects.

Critics also argue that Heinrich’s environmental policies would result in higher energy prices, adding financial strain on New Mexican families already dealing with inflation and rising living costs.

“New Mexicans can’t afford Heinrich’s extreme energy agenda,” Pearce added. “He’s focused on pushing an out-of-touch, radical climate agenda instead of protecting the jobs and economic future of New Mexico.”