New Mexico Republicans criticize Democratic leaders over immigration policies

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Kathleen E. Apodaca Secretary | Republican Party of New Mexico

Democratic politicians Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have expressed support for policies that align with Vice President Kamala Harris's stance on immigration. This has drawn criticism from the Republican Party of New Mexico, which argues these policies jeopardize the state's safety and security.

"Martin Heinrich and Gabe Vasquez have both embraced the extreme, open-border agenda promoted and enabled by Kamala Harris," said Steve Pearce, Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico. "Their lawless immigration positions have made New Mexico an epicenter for cartel activity and human trafficking by encouraging illegal immigration and weakening border security. New Mexico families cannot afford four more years of the Harris, Heinrich, Vasquez open-border chaos."

Heinrich has a history of opposing measures aimed at enhancing border security, including President Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy and additional funding for border patrols. Vasquez shares Harris's progressive views on immigration, which critics argue are detrimental to local communities.

"Instead of working to secure our border and protect New Mexicans, Heinrich and Vasquez would rather push dangerous open-border policies that leave our communities vulnerable," Pearce continued.