New Mexico Roadrunners complete annual Enchanted Circle tour

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Del Esparza Chairman of the Board | Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce

The New Mexico Roadrunners embarked on a three-day trip to the Enchanted Circle from September 18-20, 2024. The annual event is organized by the Greater Albuquerque Chamber of Commerce (GACC) to showcase different areas and industries in New Mexico, build relationships among residents, and discuss collaborative efforts to improve living and working conditions in the state.

Kevin Eades, chairman of the Roadrunners and president and CEO of Molzen Corbin & Associates, led this year's group. He was joined by Del Esparza, GACC chairman and founder/CEO of Esparza Digital + Advertising, and Terri Cole, GACC president and CEO. Eades highlighted the group's mission at each stop: “Together we can help address the big challenges facing our communities and our state. That’s what these trips are all about: forming relationships and finding common ground where we can join forces and speak with one voice to improve things.”

Other participants included representatives from various organizations such as Bank of Albuquerque, PNM, Hartman + Majewski Design, Capra Bank, Holmans, City of Albuquerque, Sutin Thayer & Browne, Citizens Bank, Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico Mutual, REDW, Waste Management, Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, and more.

The trip began at Bandelier National Monument where Park Superintendent Patrick Suddath discussed the economic impact of the National Park Service (NPS) and Bandelier. The group then traveled to Los Alamos to meet local leaders who identified housing, workforce availability and retention, and transportation as major challenges.

In Taos, discussions with city officials also focused on housing and workforce issues as well as public safety concerns related to drugs and guns. After an overnight stay at El Monte Sagrado in Taos, the group visited a state fish hatchery in Questa before heading to Red River for lunch with local officials.

Dinner in Las Vegas revealed similar themes regarding housing and workforce issues. The group stayed overnight at the historic Plaza Hotel before visiting the Behavioral Health Institute in Las Vegas for a tour guided by Tim Shields. A trolley tour around Las Vegas preceded their final stop for lunch in Santa Fe before returning to Albuquerque.

The GACC expressed gratitude towards partners like Sandy Jones from Los Alamos Chamber; Lauren McDaniel from Los Alamos Commerce & Development Corporation; Kathy Keith from Los Alamos National Labs; Sen. Bobby Gonzales; Taos County Manager Brent Jaramillo; Lindsey Pfaff Bain from Taos Chamber of Commerce; Karina Armijo from N.M. Outdoor Recreation Division; Mercedes Rodriguez from Taos County Economic Development Corporation; Naoma Staley from Red River Chamber of Commerce; Max Khudiakov from Town of Red River's Tourism & Economic Development office; Terrie Bowen from Red River Chamber of Commerce; Fritz Davis & Kerry Shepherd from Red River Magazine; Elmo Baca from Las Vegas Community Foundation; Rose Taylor Contreras from San Miguel Chamber of Commerce; Bill Taylor from New Mexico Highlands University; Leota Brigida Harriman from Las Vegas Optic; Robert Nott from New Mexico Department of Health along with Number 11 Trolley Tour.

Special thanks were also given to sponsors including PNM, New Mexico Mutual, Bernalillo County, City of Albuquerque UNM Esparza Digital + Advertising United Supermarkets Albertsons Indian Pueblo Cultural Center Sunny 505 Waste Management Molina Healthcare Sutin Thayer Browne Don Chalmers Ford JD Bullington.

The GACC looks forward to another successful Roadrunners trip in 2025.