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City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee will meet Aug. 7


City of Santa Fe Quality of Life Committee will meet Aug. 7.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:







a. Request for Approval of the July 3, 2024 Quality of Life Committee Meeting Minutes. (Marcella A. Apodaca, Business Operations Manager; maapodaca1@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life: 08/07/2024

b. Request for Approval of the City of Santa Fe 2025 Employee Calendar. (Bernadette Salazar, Human Resources Director; bjsalazar@santafenm.gov; Monica Acevedo; Human Resources Assistant Director, mxacevedo@santafenm.gov; Cristina Arnal; Recruitment Specialist; cyarnal@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

c. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) in the Total Amount of $150,000 from Community Services Admin Service Contracts to the Youth and Family Services Fund for Fiscal Sponsorship and Oversignt of Operations at Consuelo’s Place Shelter. (Julie Sanchez, Youth and Family Services Director; jjsanchez@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

d. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $969,389 from the Community Development Fund and $3,000,000 from the General Fund for a Total Amount of $3,969,389 in Available Balances to Support Affordable Housing Trust Fund Activities. (Johanna Nelson, Interim Affordable Housing Director; jcnelson@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

e. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $500,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Equipment and Licensing for Disaster Recovery Data Center Infrastructure. (Eric Candelaria, ITT Department Director; edcandelaria@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

f. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $85,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Phase II of the Calle Atajo Speed Humps Construction Project. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

g. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $117,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Implementation of Security Hardware Tokens to Meet the City's Cybersecurity Insurance Requirements. (Eric Candelaria, ITT Department Director; edcandelaria@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/12/2024

h. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,300,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Installation of New Synthetic Surfacing at Ragle Park’s Baseball Field #1. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

i. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $500,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund and $2,542,700 from the GRT Special Revenue Fund for a Total Amount of $3,042,700 in Available Balances to Fund Consulting Costs Related to the City's Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Implementation and Upgrades. (Eric Candelaria, ITT Department Director; edcandelaria@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

j. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $570,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund the Lease of Eight Mobile LiveView Technologies Camera Trailers to Enhance Security During City Events. (Eric Candelaria; ITT Department Director; edcandelaria@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

k. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $350,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund City-Wide Intersection Markings. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

l. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $3,000,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Infrastructure Improvements to the Midtown Site. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Department Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

m. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,400,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund the Municipal Recreation Complex (MRC) Soccer Valley Expansion Project. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

n. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $115,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund General Plan and Land Development Code Update Software Enabling Public Engagement and a Digital Twin Program to Allow Members of the Community to Envision Different Scenarios through 3D Modeling. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Department Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works & Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

o. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $3,400,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Various Deferred Maintenance Facilities Projects. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

p. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $750,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Contracted Security Services for the Downtown Area. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

q. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $750,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Construction of an Additional Fire Apparatus Storage Facility. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

r. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $250,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund a Partnership with Midtown Engagement Partners to Implement Policies, Create Art Installations, and Host Events at Midtown. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Department Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

s. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,000,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Various City-Wide Sidewalks Projects. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

t. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $120,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Consultant Services to Assist with E-Reviews of Plans in EnerGov and Modernize the Plan Review Process. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Department Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

u. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $2,700,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Purchase of Complete Streets Replacement Plows, Patching Truck and Multi Terrain Loader. rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

v. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,200,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund the Work Based Learning Program via Partnership with Santa Fe Public Schools and the Youth and Families Division of the Community Services Department. (Randy Randall, Interim Community Development Department Director; rrandall@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

w. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $3,000,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Pavement Rehabilitation and Repair Projects. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

x. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $812,325 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund the Purchase and Installation of Pallet Shelters and Hygiene and Office Units. (Maria Tucker, Community Services Department Director; metucker@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Department: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

y. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $300,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Traffic Signal Re-Wiring Projects. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

z. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $800,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Construction of a Replacement Roof for the Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center (MEG). (Maria Tucker, Community Services Department Director; metucker@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

aa. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $2,000,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Various City-Wide Street and Road Improvement Projects. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ab. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,107,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment Fund Available Balance to Purchase Two Armored Vehicles and an Explosive Ordinance Disposal Vehicle for the Santa Fe Police Department. (Paul Joye, Police Department Chief; pmjoye@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ac. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,500,000 from the General Fund Available Balance to Fund Installation of New Liners for Irrigation Ponds at the Municipal Recreation Complex (MRC). (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ad. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $1,120,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Repairs and Upgrades to the Sandoval Parking Garage. (Regina Wheeler, Public Works Department Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ae. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $200,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Deferred Maintenance and Repairs for the Police Headquarters Building. (Paul Joye, Police Department Chief; pmjoye@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

af. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $750,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Fund Replacement of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Gear Used in Firefighting Efforts. (Brian J. Moya, Fire Department Chief; bjmoya@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ag. Request for Approval of a Budget Amendment Resolution (BAR) to Allocate $450,000 from the 1/2% GRT Increment for Infrastructure Fund Available Balance to Purchase a Type 3 Wildland Fire Truck Apparatus. (Brian J. Moya, Fire Department Chief; bjmoya@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024

ah. CONSIDERATION OF BILL NO. 2024-9. ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 2024-____. (Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth)

A Bill Amending SFCC 1987, Section 11-8, to Allow the City of Santa Fe to Obtain an Investment Advisory Service Contractually for the Investment of Public Funds. (Alexis Lotero, Assistant Finance Director; aclotero@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduction): 07/10/2024

Governing Body (Public Comment): 07/31/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body (Public Hearing): 08/28/2024

ai. CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION 2024-____. (Mayor Alan Webber, Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, and Councilor Michael Garcia)

A Resolution Proposing a Ballot Question to be Submitted to the City of Santa Fe Voters During the November 5, 2024, General Election; Relating to the City Issuance of a General Obligation Bond in the Maximum Principal Amount of $25,000,000, to be Repaid from Property Taxes to Construct, Design, Equip, and Improve Roads and Streets Within the City. (Emily K. Oster, Finance Director; ekoster@santafenm.gov and Regina Wheeler, Public Works Director; rawheeler@santafenm.gov)

Committee Review:

Governing Body (Introduced): 07/31/2024

Public Works and Utilities Committee: 08/05/2024

Quality of Life Committee: 08/07/2024

Finance Committee: 08/12/2024

Governing Body: 08/14/2024






12. NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Persons with disabilities in need of accommodations, contact the City Clerk’s office at 955-6521, five (5) working days prior to meeting date.



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