UNM Professor Empowers Community with Digital Media Literacy Expertise

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Garnett S. Stokes, Persident - The University of New Mexico Board of Regents | University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, Apr 18 2024 - UNM political science professor, Jessica Feezell, has been actively engaging with the Albuquerque community to educate them on digital media literacy. Feezell's collaboration with Albuquerque Oasis, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational programs for learners of all ages, has allowed her to share her expertise beyond the confines of the university setting.

In her interactions with members of Albuquerque Oasis, Feezell expressed her admiration for the diverse backgrounds and knowledge of the community members, stating, "The members of Albuquerque Oasis that I have had the privilege to engage with are smart, talented, engaged community members of very diverse backgrounds. I learn so much from them."

Feezell recently delivered a presentation on social media, misinformation, and the generation gap, which was well-received by the audience. Reflecting on the experience, she shared, "It was so fun, and the audience was so receptive that I couldn't say no when they asked me to come back this year for another talk. Oasis offers a broad array of classes for adult learners, wellness courses, tech tutoring, and is just a real gem in our community."

Specializing in digital media literacy, Feezell highlighted the challenges faced by older generations in navigating the digital landscape. She explained, "I think this is because they grew up in a different media era; one where there were fewer sources of news, the Fairness Doctrine was in place, and news producers valued a social responsibility to strive for objectivity."

Recognizing the vulnerability of older populations to online threats, Feezell emphasized the importance of promoting digital media literacy among them. She expressed concerns about the lack of institutionalized curriculum delivery for older individuals and called for broader campaigns to address this issue: "It's really a problem of delivery; we know what helps, we just need to spread the word."

Feezell recommended practical strategies, such as checking news sources and reading laterally, to combat misinformation in today's media landscape. She highlighted the significance of ongoing education for older populations, citing its benefits for mental stimulation and community engagement: "Continuing education among older populations is very important for the community it provides, the mental stimulation it offers, and to keep older people learning new things."

The professor's dedication to enhancing digital aptitude and promoting critical thinking skills is evident in her work at UNM's Department of Political Science. Feezell's efforts underscore the importance of lifelong learning and the role of education in empowering individuals to navigate an increasingly complex media environment.