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Ojo Santa Fe features ancient hot springs. | Facebook / Ojo Santa Fe

Ojo Santa Fe features springs with 'rich minerals' and pure drinking water


Some of the most beautiful and ancient hot springs in the United States, if not the world, exist in New Mexico giving pleasure and healing to visitors for centuries. Ojo Santa Fe located within the 77 acres of the La Cienga Valley is one of those historic spots.

“This property served as a paraje, or a stop called El Alamo where they would stop for the night, give water to their horses, get a hot meal, sleep on a corn husk mattress, and then make their way back to Santa Fe to finish their trades,” Sarah Sims, spokesperson for Ojo Santa Fe told KOB.

People from nearby pueblos, towns and cities, as well as those traveling across the country have bathed in the water believing it has natural healing powers. The water in Ojo Santa Fe comes from a natural aquifer, commonly known as hot springs, which is a water-bearing rock such as gravel, sandstone and limestone that transmits water to wells and springs.

“They are full of rich minerals and it’s some of the purest drinking water you’ll find,” Sims said, adding, “We wanted to bring this property back to its natural roots of healing.”

Ojo Santa Fe Spa and Resort also consists of a main pond, three repose pools and four soaking pools. Guests also can enjoy yoga at an on-site fitness studio that offers stunning views of the property or hike on private trails. It also boasts of having, "an abundance of spring-fed soaking experiences, including all-day soaking passes, private pools, tubs for one, and Santa Fe’s largest saltwater swimming pool."

Ojo has partnered with Española Humane for an on-site Puppy Patch where pets can enjoy the outdoors. Guests can even adopt a pet to take home. Espanola Humane is a nonprofit that seeks to reduce the number of unwanted animals by creating a healthier community for pets, their families and their neighbors.

For rates and information on how to book a room or daily resort pass, click here.


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