Disabled veterans faced hardships and danger while serving their country. Now, they say they are facing the same challenges trying to live on Chama Street in Albuquerque.
A facility for disabled veterans sits next to a condemned building that has been infiltrated by the homeless. The buildings' residents are inflicting the same kind of trauma Stephen Hensley faced in the service.
“I joined the Navy so I would not get shot at. Six months into my service, I'm getting shot at,” Hensley told KOAT. “That caused me so much anxiety, stress, and PTSD. And next door is not helping me.”
Allison Young and Hensley told KOAT that homeless people have been squatting and camping there for as long as they can remember.
“It's the foulest thing I've ever seen," Hensley said. "To see people using drugs, rubbing feces on themselves naked, to see nudity and indecent exposure is a bit much when you first have your morning cup of coffee."
It’s gotten so bad recently that both Young and Hensley fear for their safety.
“I've actually had people not even want to come over here because of how dangerous the situation is," Young said.
Both men say the city has made attempts to discourage squatters. Through the years, the property has been boarded up. But that hasn’t worked.
“They put that wood up, they tear the wood down and then they make a bigger hole so that they can climb through it,” Hensley said. “They've actually cut holes in the plywood in the backdoor so they can climb into the house.”
“I've actually increased my medication levels just to make sure I can sleep at night, which makes me feel worse, because now what if someone comes in, tries the home invasion, now I'm knocked out," Hensley said.
Young and Hensley would prefer the condemned building be knocked down. The pair is now asking for help.
"Just tear the place down because you have a bigger problem right now than just having this building here," Young said.