Albuquerque Biopark hosted Pollinator Awareness Day on June 25. | Twitter/City of Albuquerque

Albuquerque city councilor requests 'independent survey' and claims poor conditions for animals at Biopark


Albuquerque city councilor Tammy Fiebelkorn alleges that animals at the Albuquerque Biopark are being neglected and suffering, and she has photos to support her claims.

In mid-June, councilwoman Fiebelkorn visited Biopark in Albuquerque to assess the conditions of the park, which she claims has been keeping its animals in poor condition. Now, Fiebelkorn will address the City Council with photos to support her plan to have the city consider sending the animals to a sanctuary, according to KRQE News

“I am requesting officially that these animals be seen by an actual veterinarian, clearly not the veterinarians who are caring for them now," Fiebelkorn said, according to KRQE. "I would like an independent survey of if they are okay, I would like to be present at that visit, and I would like to discuss a plan to release these animals to sanctuaries because they are clearly not getting the care they need.”

Some of Fiebelkorn's pictures include documentation of horse stalls with no shade, filthy water that the animals drink and chickens with missing feathers. According to Fiebelkorn, these conditions are examples of neglect and proof that the animals should be removed from the facility.

“There on display are a bunch of sheep, and again, on my personal visit on the 14th there was no water. I was there for 45 minutes," Fiebelkorn told KRQE News. "It was so hot that my phone overheated, and I was unable to take additional photographs, yet these animals were there without any water -- again, not appropriate."

Now, Fiebelkorn plans to address her fellow council members to consider an independent survey that would be conducted to see if the animals are healthy, in addition to having a veterinarian look after them.


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