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Opera West! is presenting the story of Madame Butterfly at the New Mexico Museum of Art on Oct. 22. | facebook.com/NewMexicoMuseumArt

Madame Butterfly and Midtown Block Party: Santa Fe events Oct. 21-23


Thursday, October 21st

26 Miles

Teatro Paraguas

3205 Calle Maria, Santa Fe

7:30 p.m.

Teatro Paraguas is presenting 26 Miles, a play written by Quiara Alegria Hides. The play tells the story of a Latina mother and her white Jewish teenage daughter embarking on a transformative road trip.

Friday, October 22nd

Madame Butterfly

New Mexico Museum of Art - St. Francis Auditorium

107 W. Palace Ave., Santa Fe

6 p.m.

Opera West! is presenting the story of Madame Butterfly by G. Puccini. Teens from NMSA will be featured in the opera's "humming chorus." 

Saturday, October 23rd

Midtown Block Party

Santa Fe Art Institute

1600 St. Michael's Drive

10 a.m.-5 p.m.

All are welcome to join the Midtown Block Party, featuring music, food, games, a scavenger hunt, and community workshops.


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