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New Mexico Cong. Yvette Herrell stood with former president Donald Trump. | Facebook/Yvette Herrell

New Mexico's Harrell blasts Biden for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan as 'complete tactical failure and international embarrassment'


New Mexico Rep. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) recently went on record to denounce President Joe Biden's administration over how the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was conducted.

According to FactCheck.org, former president Donald Trump had made the initial deal to withdraw troops by May 1, 2021 and left office with just 2500 service members still in Afghanistan. Biden delayed the initial withdraw until Aug. 31, but ended up pulling out most of the troops just weeks before that final deadline.

"After 20 years, it was long past time to leave Afghanistan. But it did not have to be this disaster," Herrell wrote in an Aug 16. Twitter post. "The Biden admin. presides over a complete tactical failure and international embarrassment, as well as a tragedy for families who will suffer under a new Taliban regime." 

Pinon Post reported that Afghani President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai fled the country hours before the Taliban took Kabul, and later the Taliban were seen on video sitting at the presidential desk, reading the Quran and holding American weapons.

Trump has called for Biden to "resign in disgrace" over the now catastrophe that has happened in Afghanistan, the Pinon Post reports.

In an Aug. 16 speech to the nation, Biden said, "I do not regret my decision to end America’s warfighting in Afghanistan," according to FactCheck.org.


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